Try to escape

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Jenny wanted the courage to tell someone what was going on at home but what if no one believed her. what if everyone thought she was lying. who could she tell, who did she trust enough to tell. she didn't trust anyone. Could she tell the police or a counselor. That would take forever she needed to make a scene somewhere ...but not at the house. How would she do it, would she show them her bruises and cry with big fake tears. People would judge her but if it meant to finally be free of the Hansons, it was worth it. She wouldn't let a few whispers and glares scare her from getting away from the pain and suffering. She deserved to get away. Jenny began to deliberate in every detail her escape and a plan b just in case either way she was going to be free. She couldn't forget the little things like packing extra food just in case. She had to think of a place to stay the night in case of something went wrong ....which most likely would happen considering her teacher had already seen the bruises but never said anything. Tuesday had passed, then Wednesday it was finally Thursday and she was getting cold feet. She thought of all the things that could go wrong. The Hansons could find out and they would be pissed and she would get a worse beating. But then something happened mr.hanson was waiting for her when she got home from school and he back handed her for something she didn't do apparently there were cigarette ashes all over the carpet. she was mad because it wasn't like she smoked. Susan left this shit here so she could get beaten. mr. Hanson had it planned what he was going to do, he told her to get in the tub ........but there was ice filled in the tub ....he gave her a scrutinizing stare. she got in of course because if she didn't it could only get worse. he made her sit there for hours. her skin was pale and hard ....her lips and blue as can be... her teeth were chattering so hard they could break . he took her out of the tub and got this huge leather paddle with metal studs. it was her chosen torture device. from that point on she knew she was going through with her plan. she couldn't take this another day. She thought the first didn't hurt that bad but with every hit it got worse and she felt as if her legs were bleeding. The stinging remained ....he finally put the paddle down he took me to a room (not his room because that was where he slept and he didn't want to see me there because I was a disgust) then he threw me on the bed and tied me up and locked the door. He wrapped tape around my head so I wouldn't scream. I tried to hard to go to my place, the better place but it wasn't working all I could concentrate on was the gaze in his eyes and it terrified me in a way no one could understand. He took his clothes off and was soon on top of me. Everything seemed to be slowing down ... And I remember every detail on what happened. As he went inside of me he began to put his hands around my throat as I began to choke ....he smiled with glee. He smiled at the pain he was he was bestowing upon me. the tears burned my skin as they dripped down the sides of my face. My throat burned with every breath that I took ...and he laughed ....that bitch laughed. I tried to move my legs and hands but he punched me so hard. I was sure I was going to have a bruise I stopped squirming. When he was finally finished he untied me and let me go.... I could barely walk and he got mad at this and kicked me to the ground and so I tried to crawl and he kept kicking me and my ribs started to hurt they felt like they were going to crumble into tiny pieces. After a while I just layer there outside of his door in the hallway. I passed out. When I woke up that Friday morning I crawled the rest of the way to my bedroom ....I was so sore my body ached with every inch I moved. My face felt swollen. My ribs were bruised legs looked so bad. I finally looked in the mirror and oh my cheek was badly bruised but this was a good thing because today was the day.

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