Best friends for never

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Mr.hanson told me I had to bring someone over for the weekend or else I would get it worse when I got home. I walked up to a girl in my class that I wanted to be friends with since I had been adopted. Her name was Mackenzie , she was the nicest person I had ever met. She was truly perfect ... she had dark brown hair with green eyes and she was I guess a normal height for us at that age. I finally got up the courage to go up to her and talk to her . I asked her if she wanted to play with me at recess. If you picture a very awkward girl going up to the pretty girl... that's exactly how it was. she said yes of course....because she was nice. I'm pretty sure she thought I had some kind of disability and felt bad for me. I couldn't wait for recess to start. I had finally found a friend and her name was Mackenzie. We had played on the jungle gym until recess was over. It was the best day I had ever had. Until I got home. Mr.hanson was furious that i hadnt brought anyone furious that he picked me up from where i had been standing when i walked through the front door and pinned me against the wall. I hadnt known that anyone could ever get that mad...but then again it was Mr.Hanson . He screamed into my face " what did i tell you, you had to do today?" i was to terrrfied to even mumble a word. He then threw me on the head hitting the wall with a loud bang. It was my fault that know one liked me enough to come over. Mackenzie had lied to me. She didnt call to say if her parents had said no or yes because she didnt call i had to deal with the pain of my adoptive father beating me every night of the weekend, i had to deal with his balled up fists against my ribs and my skin stung from the slaps that i had endured through the evening of each day that lasted forever and ever. My body hurt from the inside out insides were sore from his constant abuse throughout the night. The bruises ...they felt like they would never go away. My time felt limited on this earth and i didnt care i had hoped one day Mr.Hansons punches would go to far and hurt me beyond belief. I was tired of being abused i was tired of being friendless ....i had finally given up on this hard life. Monday morning had finally come after the long weekend. The only thing i could think of was to cover the bruises. I couldnt get rid of the redness in my face or the way i walked funny. But i had to deal with it because i had to get away from the house even if it meant another hell hole. I walked into the classroom and my teacher just stared at me she never even said a word..she didnt ask me about my face or anything. Stupid, oblivious teacher. The first person i saw when i walked in was of course " Mackenzie " and i couldnt help but think that this was all her fault. If she would have called i would have been okay Mr.Hanson wouldnt have been as mad if she just fucking cancelled. This was the beginning of me hating who i once wanted to be my friend who i once thought was my friend. That was the closest i had ever gotten to having a friend. I was so close. This was also the beginning to my loneliness. I hated feeling like I had no one . I walked into the classroom and Mackenzie asked me what was wrong and I told her that she never called looking away so no one could see the hurt in my eyes. She said she was sorry but I couldn't help but think back on what happened...there was no way I could forgive her for jot calling. I was beaten because she couldn't pick up a measly phone for a minute or two. She told me she didn't call because her dad wouldn't let her and that she was sorry for making me wait the whole weekend. I was still mad . I don't know what happened to her but something in her eyes flickered they flickered pain and sadness and as soon as I blinked she looked away ...I'm guessing to hide the truth. Maybe she was hurt by her dad I'm not really sure. I had never really stopped to think about what other kids were going through. Maybe I didn't have it so bad. Maybe if I got out of my situation now I could give someone around me hope to break free. That's what I was going to do ....break free!

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