Friday, 5:30 PM

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Erik: Fair Maiden! I require your assistance.

Jeanette: Why are you so weird, Erik?

Erik: Ahh yes! Erik is the one who gave me this device, and helped me learn how to "type". He mistook me for a fool who doesn't know proper grammar. Who's the fool now, Erik? Ha!

Erik: Jeanette? What a fascinating name.

Jeanette: This is getting old really quickly, Erik.

Erik: I see. You hath mistaken me for Erik. Allow me to introduce myself, Fair Maiden. I am Edmund Wolf of House Vardon. Second in line for the throne.

Jeanette: Is this one of your Dungeons and Dragons characters? If this is your way of asking me to play, my answer's still no. You know I have better things to do.

Erik: Dungeons and Dragons? Sounds exciting! I had no idea this realm was so similar to my own!

Jeanette: I'm just going to ignore you now.

Erik: Ignore me? Ha! Like any maiden can ignore me! I, Edmund Wolf, slayer of The Beast of Krognan! Destroyer of the bandit regime, The Green Sash! And competitive drinking champion in thirty provinces.

Erik: Fair Maiden?

Erik: Hello?

Erik: Hath thy ventured away?

Erik: Jeanette?


Erik: I already informed you, Fair Maiden. This is not Erik.

Jeanette: ...Are you actually being serious?

Erik: I swear on my father's grave. 

Jeanette: I'll be right over. If this is indeed one of your (Erik's) pranks, you're so dead.

Erik: Ha! I highly doubt thou can best me in a battle of strength! 

Jeanette: Yeah whatever. I'll be there in five minutes.

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