Chapter 5: Sign My Love A Lost Memory

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[Song: Before the Lobotomy by Green Day]

Max was drunk. Since Ian had left, he found more liquor and drank until he could barely stand. He was too heartbroken to think of the consequences.

Which is why he mom found him drunkly crying on the couch. 

"Max what the hell are you doing?" She asked.

"I want to fucking die," Max cried.

"Max, stop it. Go to your room," she commanded.

Max stood up and defiantly slurred out, "Why? So you don't have to think of your disappointment of a son while you fuck whoever you brought home."

"Room. Now," she commanded.

This time Max listened and stumbled to his room. Not before almost falling a few times and shutting his foot in the door, but he got there eventually.

Max flopped face first onto his bed and buried his head in his pillow. He just wanted the world to leave him alone.

The sound of his door opening made him turn his head and look. He scoffed when he saw it was his mom and told her to go away.

She didn't listen and walked over to him. "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm a stupid faggot," Max sighed.

"Maybe I should talk to you when you're sober," his mother sighed.

"I don't want to be sober, it hurts too much," Max turned over so he could actually look at his mom. He noticed she was wearing a lot of makeup and was dressed nicely. "Did I scare away whoever you brought home?"

"Yes," she sighed in defeat. "But he isn't as important as you, honey."

"That's bullshit, mom. Your life would be a lot better with me and you know it," Max sighed.

"Okay what has you so depressed?" Max's mom asked in concern.

"Ian..." Max trailed off.

"Isn't he your best friend?" She questioned. Sadly she wasn't actually fully sure if that was correct.

"He was," Max confessed. "Until I tried to kiss him."

"You tried to kiss your best friend?" Max's mom asked in confusion.

"Yes. I'm gay, mom." Max sat up and put his head in his hands.

"For the record, I thought so," Max's mom laughed.

"Why would you think that?" Max looked at her confused.

"Oh honey," she sighed. "Look at you. You're practically radiating gay waves."

"Whatever," Max sighed before burying his face in his pillow once again.

"Sorry sweetie, it's just the truth." She stood up and pulled a blanket over Max. "Get some sleep."

"Mom wait," Max said quickly.

"What is it?" She questioned.

"I need a new phone."

Max's mom sighed and left the room. Max curled up and was fast asleep.


Max woke up the next day with quite the hangover. He didn't really leave his bed, due to that.

Thankfully, his mom had gotten him another phone and let him stay home from school so he could lay in bed all day and have an easy day.

Max decided he should probably text George to let him know about what happened and as a way to pass the time.


Max🕶: I want to die

Joji🍚: oh? I almost thought you had, I haven't seen you in 2 days. Where are you?

Max🕶: laying in bed hoping my hangover will go away soon

Joji🍚: oh damn how much did you drink

Max🕶: a whole lot

Joji🍚: how come?

Max🕶: I fucked up

Max🕶: I kissed Ian and he got pissed at me

Max🕶: he hates me now

Joji🍚: I don't think it's possible for him to hate you Max

Max🕶: he does

Joji🍚: did he kiss you back at all?

Max🕶: no. Just pushed me away

Max🕶: hard too. He's stronger than he looks

Joji🍚: wow

Joji🍚: I'm gonna come over after school

Max🕶: okay


Max sighed and set his phone down. He closed his eyes and just thought  about everything that happened for the millionth time.

He just thought and thought, hating the event more and more, until school was over and Joji showed up.

"How are you doing?" Joji asked as he took a seat by Max.

"I actually want to die," Max said.

"I talked to Ian," Joji stated. "Well tried."

"You can talk to him all you want, doesn't make him hate me any less," Max sighed.

"He's figuring some things out, Max. It's a lot and he needs to think things over."

"What the fuck does that even mean?" Max questioned, his tone growing angrier. "That's fucking bullshit, there's nothing to figure out."

"Hey, hey, calm down. I'm just trying to give and explanation to a complicated situation," Joji said. "I have an idea though."

"And what is that?" Max questioned.

"Come to a party with me, it'll be fun and you can get your mind off of things," Joji suggested.

"A party with a bunch of people getting drunk and dancing close together and shit like that?" Max wondered.

"Basically," Joji shrugged.

"I'll go," Max agreed. "When is it?"

"Two days away," Joji said. "I'll pick you up before."

"Sounds like a plan," Max nodded.


Ian was mentally fucked. That was the best way to put it. He had so much going through his mind that it was practically unbearable.

Normally at times like this, he would talk to Max. This time was different because the main topic of controversy was Max himself. He could always talk to Joji but it wasn't the same. He didn't have the same solutions as Max. There was Chad but he wasn't even close to helpful.

Fuck it, Ian thought as picked up his phone and went to Joji's contact.

No, he thought, don't bother him, he doesn't want to deal with your shit.

Ian sighed and set his phone back down. His mind was in shambles as it struggled to fight an internal battle.

Ian was fighting with himself and losing. Nobody would understand why he did what he did. Sure Max is his best friend but he just isn't gay and Max needs to get that through his head. Ian isn't gay. He can't be.

He simply can't be gay.

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