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Dawnstar looked down at her kits.

She had changed the rule that she-cat leaders couldn’t have a mate or kits so that she could be with Fiercefang. At first, she found him very irritating, but eventually, he had won her over.

Together, they had three kits, Amberpaw, Mistypaw, and Fallenpaw.

Dawnstar watched Amberpaw pad out of camp with Thornpetal and Mistypaw with Frostfang.

Fallenpaw had been Snowstorm’s apprentice and helped out often in the medicine den as a kit.

It’s been over a year since Lunastar’s death, so why do I feel like something is coming to haunt us?

Dawnstar glanced to the corner of camp and saw Nova teaching Snowstorm and Fallenpaw about a new herb she had found.

Leaping off of High Rock, Dawnstar trotted out of camp to go hunting.

Rotating her ears, Dawnstar listened for any signs of prey.

“Ahhh! Mistypaw, that hurt!”

Dawnstar chuckled to herself quietly and climbed the oak tree next to her. Carefully leaping from tree to tree, Dawnstar found herself directly over the training grounds.

Quietly, she flattened herself to the branch and peeked over the side, watching her kits train with her best friends.

“Come on Amberpaw, I thought you said you knew how to fight.”

Amberpaw let out a yowl of rage and leaped at Frostfang, claws sheathed.

Diving to the side, Frostfang avoided a smack on the nose.

Frostfang leapt over the orange-brown she-cat and landed behind her, swiping at Amberpaw’s tail. Amberpaw ran quickly towards Thornpetal.

“No fair, you're bigger then I am and your trained! I can’t beleive you and Nova were once rogues.”

Frostfang looked down at her paws, trying to hide the guilt in her eyes.

“What, did I say something?”

Frostfang shook her head and looked over at Thornpetal.

“Should I tell them?”

Thornpetal nodded and looked at the two apprentices.

“Okay, when I was kit, Twolegs captured me and another kit, Dovah. The Twolegs preformed these experiments on us. It usually made cats go nuts, but not me and Dovah. It gave us strange abilities and we escaped. He renamed himself Shadow and I came up with Frost, in honor of my power. I found Nova a few seasons later and we lived together afterwards, keeping each other safe. We found Dawnstar, well, Dawnpaw then, and took her in, caring for her. When she came back, we joined Fireclan.”

Amberpaw’s eyes widened in fascination.

“So what’s your power?”

“I can control ice as well as create it, but I will not show you two it. It can be very dangerous.”

Amberpaw and Mistypaw nodded and looked at each other.

“Want to keep practicing?”


Dawnstar purred in satisfaction and leaped onto another branch.

Climbing down, Dawnstar headed back to camp. Dawnstar, hearing a twig snap, crouched low to the ground and looked in the direction the sound came from.

A squirrel was walking around slowly. Dawnstar leaped, landing on the squirrel, and biting its neck.

“Thank you Starclan, for this prey and the wonderful life you’ve given me."

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