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Joy was a simple girl. She was great in school even with no effort where I would stay up till 1am studying to only get a C on my social studies exam. She was unique and always was herself. Then the crash happened. It was July 19, 2010 she lost her memory and everything she was. I'm here to help rewrite her story
Joy not only was a simple girl, but good hearted. She cared for this world and the people on it. She wasn't shy, she just likes to be alone. She had a little notebook with her at all times and she always wrote the most interesting things. Whether it was poems or real life entry's she wrote with a kind of passion you couldn't find anywhere else.  I am Bethany Evans, but Joy always called me Beth. We were really close before the crash, and still were after, though it's hard to get back bond so tightly knite together. A bond found over 16 years. Joy was older than me though only by a few years. She was 19 almost 20 and me 16. I knew her all my life not surprising really. Joy was always cheerful she was always Joy. Her full name was Joyce but she spent most of her life making sure no one would call her that. It's not that she didn't like the name she just thought that Joy was more expressive of her personality and she was right. Joy was joyful.

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