Chapter Forty Six: I Didn't Mean To Scare You.

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Grace's P.O.V

I glance between the two boys and gulp once again, not wanting to tell Luke that the boy who assaulted me is the boy standing next to me. I mean, how am I suppose to tell him that? Oh yeah, so, remember when I told you that I started cutting my arms because of the boy who touched me? Well, that boy is, like, right next to me!

Oh dear lord, help me.

"Talk, Grace." Luke says, his tone serious. I rub my arm and let out a sigh, once again glancing over at Randy.

I can do this. I mean, what harm can it do? Luke will probably break a few of Randy's bones but at least he will still be alive, right?

Just calm down and speak, my brain says and I look up at Luke and open my mouth, ready to say the words that might start a brawl between the two. Just as I am about to speak, someone cuts me off.

"I touched Grace. Not now... ages ago. When we were young. I was stupid and-" Before Randy can continue, Luke lunges himself towards Randy and grabs the nearest thing and clutches it in his hand. I gasp.

A knife!

"How dare you do that to Grace! You have no idea what pain you put her through and you think sorry is just going to make her feel happy as freaking Larry? You should be dead!" Luke screams as he presses the knife to Randy's throat and I let out a scream.

I want to move. I want to stop Luke from doing this. I want everything to just calm down but I can't move. It's like my feet are glued to the ground and my mouth just hangs open as I watch the two. Watch. All I can do is watch!

All of a sudden, Daniel and Jackson run into the kitchen and immediately get Luke off Randy. Jackson snatches the knife out of Luke's hand and holds it tightly in his grip. Daniel glares between Randy and Luke before letting Luke go, his body leaning against the wall as he clenches his fists together.

I've never seen this side of Luke before and if I have to be honest, he is scaring me. I don't want to be with someone so violent.

I find myself sinking to the floor, my body becoming numb. I lean my body against the wall, letting my eyes slip shut and the voices be drowned out by the own ringing in my head. All I hear is a mixture of voices and people shaking my arms and shoulders in attempt to wake me up from the nightmare.

But I guess I can never escape something that is called reality.


I feel someone tap my shoulder and I stop walking and freeze in my spot. I slowly turn around to see my parents standing side by side with a smile on their faces. I smile and bring both of my parents into a hug.

"Why do I feel like I haven't seen you in ages?" I ask and my mom chuckles as I pull away from them.

"Because we were busy with a few things." My mom says and I furrow my eyebrows, looking between the two. My father notices my confusion and a smile appears on his face as he raises his arm, showing me a new tattoo.

I step forward and take a closer look, my eyes scanning the tattoo. When I finally realise what it is, I begin to feel tears in my eyes.

It is a picture of me, my mom and him. It is only a small tattoo of the three of us but the tattoo is very detailed. I remember the place that the photo was taken and I can't help but smile.

The picture was taken on my tenth birthday. My mom and dad always knew that I wanted to go to the beach and on my birthday, we drove three hours and thats when I saw the water, the sand and the sun. The scene will forever burn in my mind and just as the sun was setting, my father asked a man to take a picture of the three of us and when we saw the picture, we all instantly loved it.

I look up at my father and smile, bringing him into a hug. "I love it." I say and my father chuckles.

"I knew you would." My father says and I pull away from my father and look at my parents, the smile still on my face.

"Grace, we have to go, okay?" My mom says and I nod slowly, knowing that she would say that eventually. I bring them in for one last hug before letting my body come alive.

I raise my body up from the mattress and look around, not recognising this room at all. I frown and rip the sheet off of me, getting off the bed. I walk over to the door and open it, looking at the empty hallway. I walk out of the room and down the hall. To my left, there is a flight of stairs and I let out a sigh when I realise that I am still at Daniel's place.

I walk down the stairs and look around, hoping to find Luke. I enter the kitchen to see Luke sitting at the table with Daniel beside him. I smile and knock on the wall beside me, grabbing the boys attention. Daniel and Luke both turn around and a smile spreads on both their faces. I walk over to Luke and bring him into a hug.

"Hey, are you feeling okay?" Luke asks and I nod, stepping away from him. I look up at Daniel and wave.

"Hi." I say and Daniel nods at me.

"Afternoon." Daniel says and I frown at his words.

"Afternoon? What's the time?" I ask and Daniel looks at his watch.

"Six o'clock." Daniel says and I let out a sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"Oh okay. Where is everyone else?" I ask and Daniel points towards the living room. I nod and look back at Luke who is frowning at me.

"I'll leave you two alone." Daniel says and I nod, watching him as he walks out of the kitchen. I look at Luke and he brings me into another hug.

"I'm so sorry, Gracie. I didn't mean to scare you. I... I was just so angry with Randy, you know? I really didn't mean to scare you, I swear." Luke says and I nod, hugging Luke back.

"I know. Just don't ever scare me like that again." I say and Luke nods, a smile spreading on his face.

"I won't."


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