Okay, there are two major twists in this chapter. I just hope you don't kill me when you found out what they are. I mean, we are friends, right? Right?
Grace's P.O.V
"Oh how I love school." Luke happily says as he wraps a shoulder around my shoulders and I shake my head.
"You hate school." I say and Luke rolls his eyes.
"And the moment has died." Luke says and I chuckle, throwing his arm off me as I begin to grab my books out of my locker.
"We didn't even have a moment." I say and Luke leans against the locker beside mine, watching me with a grin. When I slam my locker shut, Luke holds out his hand.
"I'll take you to class." Luke says and I smile, grabbing his hand as we walk down the hallway.
After saying my goodbyes to my boyfriend, I walk into the classroom to see someone in my seat. This person just happens to be Nicole.
"Great," I mutter, walking down the narrow pathway as I make my way to my seat. When I am in front of my desk, I let out a sigh.
"Please get out of my seat." I say, looking into Nicole's brown eyes. Nicole stands up and walks to the table in front of me, taking a seat.
"Since you said please." Nicole mutters and I walk to my seat and sit down, frowning at Nicole.
"What do you want?" I ask, frustrated that I have to deal with Nicole again. Nicole let's out a sigh and faces me completely, looking me dead in the eyes.
"I'm sorry." She says and I furrow my eyebrows.
"I said I'm sorry. I'm sorry for treating you like a bitch because you didn't even deserve it. You were getting bullied the time we were friends and when I pushed you away, your life just became worse." Nicole says and I run a hand through my hair.
"No need to remind me."
"I am really sorry though." Nicole says and I nod slowly.
"Are we cool now?" Nicole asks and I narrow my eyes at her.
"What makes you feel that I am going to say yes? I have been threw so many years of bullying from you and everyone else and now you want to say sorry? I am finally happy and I don't want to be in the same place I was just a few weeks ago so if you don't mind, can you just leave me alone? Thank you." I say and before Nicole can say anything, the teacher walks in and I focus my attention on the teacher, ignoring Nicole's pleading stares.
School finally finishes and the bell dismisses us, students begining to run out of the door. I on the other hand, take my time and walk out of the classroom at my own pace, not bothering to run out of the building.
Ever since my mom died, I haven't been looking forward to go home. It's just not that happy place anymore and instead of my father waiting for a while until he moves on like I expected him to, he let's his new girlfriend move in to take my mom's place and live the life my mom is supposed to be living.
I have nothing against Eve, it's just the fact that my father can only care about himself. Eve does seem nice and I am willing to get to know her but she is never going to take my mom's place because I only have one mom and even though she is gone, that doesn't mean the spot is open because it will never be open for anyone. My mom is my one and only mother and no one is going to change that.

Saving Gracie | ✓
Roman pour Adolescents[ Highest Rank: #1 in Teen Fiction ] !! USED TO BE 'THE PLAYER STOPPED ME FROM JUMPING' !! !! NOW PUBLISHED ON AMAZON !! __________ Grace Parkinson doesn't know what it feels like to be happy. Living in a world where people aren't nice, where people...