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After Jimin said those words, the sound of sirens came rushing through his ears. Y/N's mother told him to move back.

As Y/N was carried to the Emergency Room, Y/N's mother and Jimin sat down near the waiting area.

"Why did you hurt her?" She asked out of the blue.

"Why Jimin, why? I want an explanation."

He let out a heavy sigh before explaining to Y/N's mother about his past.

"You see, I was in 3rd Grade, and many wanted to be friends with me because of my money. My mom was a well paid pediatrician while my dad was a successful business man.  Some of my classmates' parents tried to trick me just to get my pocket money. Well, I did use to have friends back then, but they were backstabbers. All of them told the whole school about my deepest secrets that only I was supposed to know and they even made rumours about me. I soon discovered that they were being paid big-time for the job of making my name dirty. I didn't know who sent my so-called 'friends' the job, but I found out as the years go by. I was in 5th Grade at that time. That's when I met my first love. I know it was 'puppy love' but I really loved her so much, and she did too. But little did I know, it was all an act. She lured me into her hideout and stole all my money. She knocked me unconcious when I reached for my phone to contact the police. She was the one who paid my 'friends' to make my name dirty. Next thing I that happened to me after that is that I was laying in the cold, hard ground of the streets. As I got home, as expected, my parents weren't there. But as the clock striked 3 am, they arrived. I was quite startled when they suddenly talked to me about selling me because they are not doing quite well with their jobs. I didn't have the time to argue because they already sold me to another person. I was shocked. How could they sell their son this easily? How could they do this to me? Afterwards, I knew why they managed to sell me without any second thoughts. I was adopted. First, they were all sweet and caring to me, next second they turned their backs and treat me like I have no use for them anymore. The day had come where I had to go to the house of the person my parents sold me to. But I wasn't expecting to see my past lover at the front gate of the house." Jimin explained to Y/N's mother.

"And who is this past lover of yours?" She questioned him.

"Lee Nayeon." He simply answered.

"Lee Nayeon?! Y/N's bestfriend?" She exclaimed.

He looked at her with his shocked expression.

"She is Y/N's bestfriend? No wonder she looked so familiar." He said simply.

Y/N's mother shook her head in disappointment.

"So you really are a player. You don't even bother to know who are the close friends and relatives of the one they're dating." She scoffed.

"Anyways, let me continue my story. She has a father who is the most richest person at that time and today." Jimin continued.

"And who might he be?" Y/N's mother showed no interest in what Jimin was about to say.

"He's Lee Damyon." He added.

Y/N's mother was shook. Whenever she heard that bastard's name, memories of him leaving the her family, her son getting squashed between two cars, and Y/N's physical and emotional state.

"Oh..and by the way Jimin, I kinda know who that Damyon is." She said calmly.

"What?" He responded.

"He used to be Y/N's father."

Jimin's face was obviously blank. He widened his eyes and gave Y/N's mother an are-you-serious?! look.

"Yes I am serious." Y/N's mother said, emotionless.

Jimin was about to say something when a doctor suddenly came running towards him and Y/N's mother.

"I have news." The doctor said, panting hard and trying to catch his breath. "She..she..."

"She made it. She's alive."

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