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Dedicated to the new puff redngreen_shadow

No prov

As the girls sit during the lesson they feel stares on them. When they look they are shocked the students weren't staring at them they were staring at the villain that appeared after the Ruffs disappearance. The girls gasp and turn pale. This is the only villain they could not defeat.

Aoi (aka Brenna) prov

Oh shit... not here not now...

We look at the villain named Blade. And he's looking around the room and then he speaks, "Hello Townsville! I'm here to offer an award!!!!"

'I don't know what to do...' I look at the girls who are frozen, 'I guess we all know what he is going to ask...'

"I'm looking for five girls... The so called power puffs! If you hand them over I will leave and never come back!" He says and we look at each other and we all know he won't stop there.

While everyone is distracted we take this time to escape and transform. We run to the roof and transform into our alter egos and fly to Blade.

"Hey Blade we heard you were looking for us!" Bash yells.

He turns to us and gives us a wicked smile and we gulp. We still have to be brave for the sake of the city!

"Girls! How are you?" Blade says with a smile.

"Blade what do you want!" Blossom says.

"I want all of you!"

That was the last thing I remember before we were consumed by darkness and heard gasps along with people screaming our names.

What's going to happen to us?

What's going to happen to us?

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