Get them back

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Shawns Pov

I woke up in the hospital chair next to Aaliyah I looked on the other side of Aaliyah and didn't see Chloe she must've left after I fell asleep last night

I checked my phone and I saw I had a few text messages from the guys

Group chat

Cameron: Is Chloe there with you
Jack J: Is Chloe there
Nash: We're really worried is she there Shawn

I was really confused why they were asking me these questions and a little worried

Shawn: No she isn't here I thought she left after I fell asleep just check her house
Hayes: We did already
Shawn: Then call her
Carter: We did

After they said that I was really worried then someone called me it was a unknown number

Shawn: Hello?

They didn't say anything all I heard was someone screaming "HELP!" It was a girls voice then someone said "shut up" and hung up it sounded like Alexis's voice that said shut up and then. . . . Oh no! CHLOES!

I tried calling that number back but they didn't answer

Cameron: What!?!?
Nash: How do you know
Shawn: Some random number just called me and I heard Chloe scream in the background then I heard Alexis say "shut up" to her
Jack G: No way it was Alexis she wouldn't do that
Shawn: OMFG Jack step into reality your girlfriend is a lying bitch and is using you and she picked you because you would easily believe every word that she says
Jack G: I don't believe you
Shawn: Of course you don't and I honestly don't care right now we need to start looking for Chloe
Jack J: yeah lets meet up outside the hospital Gilinsky you coming or not
Jack G: .....

Chloe's Pov

When I woke up from being drugged I didn't remember a single thing that happened I was so pissed at whoever did this to me then I heard footsteps coming closer to me multiple footsteps actually

"Who's there" I ask there was rope around my hands and feet so I couldn't move I tried to get out of it but I failed

"I see you're awake" says someone it sounds like Alexis

"Where am I" I said with anger in my voice then another person comes it's Lauren why is she here I don't even talk to her?

"You are somewhere where no one will find you" Lauren said

"Why did you kidnap me" I ask "Because I need to finish off my plan I finally got you and Shawn to break up I just need it to stay that way and the only way to do that is to kill you" she said

"Oh really how are you going to do that" I asked her but she didn't answer she walked away and so did Lauren

Are they really going to kill me? I'm kind of scared now I really hope the guys find me soon

~~~A few hours later~~~

I heard footsteps coming towards me then I saw someone it was Alex he had food, I think for me

"Eat" he said in a mean tone then walked away it looked like it was meat....I have an idea I'm just got in to pretend that I'm allergic to this and then have an "allergic reaction" to it then they will call the hospital to come get me

I took a bite of the meat and it was disgusting then I starting breathing heavy scratching myself to make marks on my skin

"HELP!" I yelled then Caleb came towards me I was still breathing heavy he had worried look on his face

"What's wrong" he said kneeling beside me "I am. . .allergic. to. meat" I said taking breaths in between "ok hold on I'm going to call 911" he said running away I knew he had kindness in his heart soon he came back with his phone and dialed 911

"They're on there way ok just stay with me" he said "Why would I agree to do this I don't even have a problem with her I was just being stupid and now she might die because of me" he said really quiet I was still breathing heavy so he could believe me

A few minutes later I heard sirens coming our way then Lauren, Alex, and Alexis came running to where me and Caleb were

"Why is there Sirens outside" Alexis asked very mad

"As you can see she is having an allergic reaction to the food we gave her so I called 911" Caleb said

"You idiot we want to kill her you could've just let her die because of that" Alexis said then she ran away and came back with a lighter and gasoline

"Now she's going to burn alive" she said and started pouring the gasoline everywhere around me then she threw the lighter in the gasoline and it immediately went up in huge flames

"Lets go" Alexis said then everybody ran off Caleb hesitated but then ran off too right after they ran off the firefighters came running in and started blowing water on the fire and it went out

They helped me up and put me on a gurney and started rolling me to the truck the fire got to me on my stomach arm and foot a little but my foot mostly my stomach and arm

When I was resting in the hospital the guys came and saw me they really missed me

"Where's Shawn?" I ask

"He didn't come because his sister finally got out of the coma and he wanted to be there with her and his family" Cameron said

"Oh" I said I was a little sad that he wasn't here but he needed to be with his family I was at the hospital for a few more hours before I got to leave I had 1st degree burn on my arm and stomach but 2nd degree burn on my foot

Before we left the hospital I went to check on Aaliyah. He was there holding her hand while she was laying down then the doctor came in and said she can leave tonight if she wants

I left after he said that

Shawns Pov

I was so happy that my sister was out of the coma I missed her even if it was two days she wasn't in the coma for that long because she didn't get hit THAT hard

I didn't go see Chloe in the hospital because I wanted to see my sister but she understands

When me and my family left the hospital we went to get ice cream then went home it was really late ok surprised anything was open

As soon as I got home I put on my pajamas and went straight to bed

A\N: Hoped you guys like the chapter I've had so much fun writing this comment what you want to happen Thank you guys for 4K reads!!
Peace✌️ Stay Beautiful💋

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