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Shawns Pov

I'm going to stop by Chloes today to check on her and see if she needs anything I mean we're still friends. . .I know I said that we needed space but I don't think I can stay away from her

It's around 11:30 AM I got out of bed and checked my phone, Lauren texted me I don't really talk to Lauren that much but we're still friends and I used to have a crush on her

Lauren: Hey Shawn

Shawn: Hey

She replied immediately after

Lauren: I was wondering if you would want to go see a movie tonight

Lauren just asked me out? Should I say yes? Do I even like her? I probably should since it will help me get over Chloe

Shawn: Sure what time

I hope I don't regret that

Lauren: Does 7:00 sound good?

Shawn: Sounds perfect

Lauren: Ok see you then

I don't know if I like Lauren but it won't be so bad if I go after that I went to my sisters room to check on her

"Hey Aaliyah" I said opening the door and peeking my head in her room

"Hey" she said and turned over on her bed to face me "How are you feeling" I asked her "I'm feeling good" she said I nodded "Ok we'll talk to you later" I kissed her forehead and then left her room. I walked downstairs to see my mom making breakfast

"Hey mom" I said to her "Hey sweetie did you sleep good?" She asked me while getting the muffins out the oven

"Yeah" I said then I tried to grab a muffin but I was stopped by my mom grabbing my hand "Let them cool off before you eat them" she said then I sighed "Fine"

I waited 5 minutes for them to cool off then grabbed one and took a bite out of it, it was delicious my mom makes the best homemade muffins

Once I was done with my muffin I went up stairs to take shower after I was done with my shower I walked into my room to get dressed then I left

I was going to go to the guys hotel then go to Chloe's when I got to the hotel I went straight up to their room I knocked on the door and Carter opened it

"Hey Shawn's here" Carter said while opening the door wider for me to walk in

"Guys I got some news" after I said that they all looked at me with faces wanting to know more

"I'm going on a date with Lauren tonight at 7:30" I said and they all looked at me with shocked faces

"What?" I asked confused is to why they were looking at me like that

"Well none of us really like Lauren she just doesn't give us good vibes and all of us shipped you with Chloe" Cameron said really calm

"Well your the one that kissed her so that's why we broke up" I said with a little anger in my voice and all the memories came back

"Hey she kissed back" Cameron said putting his hands up like he's not guilty I just rolled my eyes and continued with what I was saying

"Well I'm going to go on that date with her" I said and they all sighed in defeat "And has anyone talked to Chloe about what happened" I asked them they all nodded no "I'm going over there right now to talk to her" I said then Johnson started talking "Shawn don't forget to pack for Magcon we're leaving early in the morning" he said then I nodded and walked out "I forgot we had Magcon

When I got to her house I knocked on the door I waited there for a minute before she answered it in sweats and a shirt her hair was messy she had bags under her eyes it looked like she hasn't slept in a while then she opened the door wider for me to come and I walked in

"I thought you said we needed space" she said 
"I know but I wanted to see you. . . I couldn't really stay away from you" I said the last part quiet hoping she didn't hear me "Did you say something?" She asked me cupping her eye and leaning towards me "No"

Then she walked into the kitchen and walked towards the cabinets to get a glass to fill with water I'm pretty sure "So what you doing here?" She asked me I turned to her "Uh I was coming to check on you and see if you need anything" I said to her and she nodded "Well I'm fine" she said but she didn't sound like she was "Are you sure? You don't sound fine" I said walking closer to her because she wasn't making eye contact with me "Yes I'm sure" she said "Chloe I know when you're lying to me" her head was still down

"I'm not ok!" She shouted and all I wanted was for her to say that so I hugged her she immediately hugged back and started to cry I still care about her deeply we stayed like that until she stopped crying then I said something

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked her then she nodded her head slowly and walked over to the couch I followed her and we both sat down

"I'll tell you who did it. . .It w-" she got cut of by my phone going off I checked it and it read I got a text from Lauren

Lauren: Don't dress fancy dress causal

I read it but didn't reply I put my phone down and put my attention back on Chloe

"Who was that" she asked "Oh it was just Lauren" I said "What she want" she asked me "Just to tell me to dress casual for our date" I said and as soon as I said that she had a sad look in her eye

"Umm I'm fine now thanks for coming over but I just need some rest" she said and got up off the couch and I did too and she walked over to the door walking me out in a hurry

"But I want to stay" I said to her but she looked away "No you can go talk to you later" she said then I gave up and walked out

Chloes Pov

As soon as he said he was going on a date with Lauren I got really sad and wanted to be alone so he didn't see me cry I walked him out I'm not going to tell him that Lauren was one of the people that Kidnapped me because I want Shawn to be happy

I decided to text the guys and see if they know but I took Shawn out the chat so he couldn't see what we were saying


Chloe: Do you guys know that Shawn is going on a date with Lauren tonight?

Jack J: Yeah

Nash: Yeah he stopped by the hotel earlier today we all told him we don't like her but he didn't listen

Chloe: Well please don't tell Shawn this....

Cameron: Depends

Hayes: ^^

Chloe: Ok well Lauren was one of the people that Kidnapped me

Carter: Just told Shawn

Chloe: Carter!

Carter: I'm kidding but I'm telling him if he knew he wouldn't ever talk to Lauren again

Chloe: I don't care if he's happy with Lauren then I don't want to ruin that

Jack J: Fine we won't tell him but we all want you to tell him

Chloe: I'll think about it talk to you guys later

A\N: Hoped you guys liked it comment what you want to happen SO SO SO sorry I have not updated in like a week I've been SUPER busy with school and haven't had time I'll try to update more
Peace✌️Stay Beautiful💋

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