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[trigger warnings]

The Hufflepuff common room was quiet for everyone was either snuggled in bed or under blankets on the couches. The fire crackled, a homely smell wafted through the plant filled basement. Copper burnished most things in the warmly lit room with soft bed warmers hanging throughout. It was probably the coziest of the common rooms, students known to get better sleep.. it was hard not to be happy while sitting amongst the copper lamps emitting their orange light. Everyone always smiled while they were amongst the overstuffed couches with a yellow and black theme. A portrait of Helga Hufflepuff also hung as a focal point, with badgers carved on the mantelpiece around it.

"It's awfully strange how connected you're suddenly getting to Tom Riddle. You seem to get paired up a lot." Of course Kate was referring to charms. It was the only class he'd even acknowledge her in, sometimes potions on the off chance. It was starting to bother her less and less now since it was a daily thing.

"It's whatever now."

Kate just shrugged, "you and Randall seem to be talking a decent amount as well."

"He's a sweet guy, though I feel like there's just something off there."

"What do you mean?"

Primrose frowned. She didn't quite know how to explain what she was feeling about the boy. There wasn't anything romantic there she was sure, but that there was something about him that wasn't right, "I honestly don't know."

"Huh. Probably just you being weird. He's a year younger as well that could play a part.."

"It's not that either!"

"Ah just stop overthinking things then."

After a yawn she spoke, "I think I'm gonna head off to bed.." Prim was awfully tired, her eyes starting to droop closed rather painfully. It was turning into a job to stay up and talk when she'd much rather be in a nice warm bed.

"I'll retire soon as well. Love you." she called after Primrose from the couch.

Sleep wasn't something that came easy to Primrose on most nights, especially in this instance. She lay awake under the warm blankets all traces of her once tiredness gone. The only light radiating in the circular room amongst the wooden-posted beds was from a lamp that was starting to die out. The orange embers were mesmerizing to watch flicker, stealing the girl's thoughts for a quick moment.

September had yet to die down. It was only the first few weeks of the term and Prim was mentally exhausted. Probably failing two of her five classes was beginning to take a toll as she couldn't see a way out, even this early. Expectations she tried to live up to for her parents were shattered years ago. Her mother had been a proud Ravenclaw and her father too. They doted over the fact their daughter was sorted into Hufflepuff for they knew the qualities they had. They just thought she was absolutely precious.

But as soon as her mother died and her father met her, things changed. Prim felt anger rise in her chest thinking about how right the stereotypical stepmother persona matched. If she had gone to Hogwarts and not Beauxbatons, she would have definitely been sorted into Slytherin. And not even for the good reasons regarding ambition and determination. It was sickening how much her stepmother changed her formerly loving father into a night, party owl who was never home. At age ten there was a void in Prim's heart that just wouldn't go away with all the nights her pillow was soaked with tears.

She was shown even more of how useless she really was when she arrived at Hogwarts. A small child who trusted too easily and saw the best in everyone. Due to that she closed herself off more unless it was to those she knew cared. Yet it was still hard not to fall into others traps of evil. She could never tell. Maybe she was still the little girl who trusted too easily...

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