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It was a Friday after Herbology and Primrose had just left the greenhouse making her way into the castle. She had a fairly strange week starting after Monday when professor Heeway gave her the grave prediction. Because of that she did her best to stay a safe distance from Tom, just so she could clear her head. She had to come up with pathetic excuses to get herself out of their tutoring sessions, but he had no reasons to question her. It made her realize though that she did enjoy his company rather than sitting alone in the common room. She was looking forward to their next get together now since it had been awhile since she was in his stern presence. Just thinking back to when they first met she never would've thought she could be missing him. Maybe it was because she was so used to spending her free time with him there was something missing... maybe.

Primrose decided to take the dark prediction she was given with grit. She'd keep it in the back of her mind and would continue her life as usual. Tom hadn't done anything to actually make her believe she was in any sort of danger. It was funny because when she came to that conclusion she had once again been with Randall, and he for one did not agree with her line of thought. Because of that she only told Kate about it as well; she at least agreed with her. But that wasn't surprising-

Kate just saw Tom as the extremely attractive guy in school and probably hoped that he and Prim would possibly get together. She really knew absolutely nothing about him, she was just another person blinded by his charm, his lies. Primrose actually was too, to an extent. She wanted to see the good in people, she didn't want to believe that the boy willing to give up his time to help her was truly a sinister being. There was so much to wrap her head around when it regarded him, and she hated it. She hated how thinking about him made a pit form in her stomach, a burning in her chest.

It wasn't long after she entered the common room when a group of younger girls came in chatting. A few of their eyes fell onto Primrose's form and they looked at her pitifully before heading to their rooms. Her chest filled with panic wondering what that was about, why it happened. Lately she did feel like eyes followed her, people were paying more attention to her.. Daisy mindlessly said once that it probably had to do with Tom. That most girls in the school have crushes on him so they're probably trying to figure out what's going on. As long as there weren't any issues with anyone Prim figured she'd just let things continue on then.

"Are you ready for dinner?" Prim was snapped out of her thoughts by Kate's voice. She stood behind the couch where her friend sat. Her arms were crossed, hair tied up in a messy ponytail. She looked impatient.

"Isn't it early?" Prim asked, "what's the rush?"

"I just want to get there!"

"We won't be able to eat any earlier-"

"Doesn't matter, let's just go."

Prim stood up and followed behind her friend like a lost puppy, "are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay. I've just had an odd day is all."

Prim chuckled as she stayed close to her friend as they walked out into the halls, "haven't we all. Randall was telling me about something in potions today going dreadfully wrong, they had to end early."

"It's like we're all cursed or something.. and everyone's so terrified it's like you can't say anything anymore." Kate sighed while keeping a steady pace, "I wish the adults would tell us what's going on."

"Me too." Prim's mine wandered off to Tom (as usual), but it had to do with the recent attacks. Her gut was telling her he knew something, and maybe that she should ask. But as she thought about it, he was a smart kid so he probably stumbled across information somehow- and as a prefect..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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