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I won't be long till I leave school and it has me questioning many things in my head constantly...
1. Will I ever see my friends again? Or will they just forget about me? How long will it take them to forget all the memories we have shared? Or how long will it take to delete our photos so they have more storage space on their phone? Will they tell their kids about me? Or will I just be that friend? You know, "one time my friend..." that one who your mother doesn't quite remember the name of.
2. Will I cope? Or will I fail? How I'm I supposed to venture off into the world without my friends? Those friends that have stuck by me through thick and thin. Those friends that have always had my back, no matter what. Those friends I love so dearly and whom push me that little by further. Those friends who have made me how I am today.
3. Will I be successful? Or will I be stuck with my parents forever? Will I be able to get a good job and support myself? Or will it all just go to shit?
4. Will I follow my dreams? Will I make it to my dream destination? Will I get that dream job? Will I ever step out my comfort zone and do what I want? Will I take risks?
5. Will anyone ever love me? After all I'm not the easiest person to love.

But I know one thing... those friends will always be there. Only a phone call away. Because I know that I can count on them whenever, because that's what's friends are all about. I know that I will make it. I will cope! I'll fight through the hard days even when I feel as though I cannot.

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