Hit and Run

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Third Person
As Ash and Johnny had planned to go to a restaurant,Johnny Didn't feel today was the right time cause of how Late it was...

Johnny POV
"Hey Ash?"
"I don't think we should go right Now it's getting late and Im not even that hungry,can we come tomorrow?"
"Sure thing Johnny..."
As we drove back home to get some sleep and a good rest.
As I excited the car ans brought Ash Inside I notice something different, There was a note on the front door "To Johnny,Hey it's Mike,I know this ain't me but since You and Ash have been together,I gave you some money to Treat her right,Now have a great time with her,Sincerely Mike" I thought about it,I thought Mike was cocky and stingy and as well greedy type.
"Hey Ash!"
"Look at what Mike gave us for being together..." She read the letter and laughed and somewhat blushed about it...
As we went to bed I set the clock on my phone and put my ear buds on,so when the clock goes off I only can hear it.


As I woke up bright and Early,I went to the store to buy Ash a Laptop cause she's been writing songs on paper,so it's better on a keyboard then on a pencil to be on...I rushed to the Apple store they Open at 8:00 and I go in and pay for the Laptop and walk back home...As I was A car didn't stop and A pedestrian Was in the way I pushed the citizen to the side and myself as well...Some cops We're at the scene and chased down the car. Some people who saw Thanked me and high fived me. I simply got back to What I was doing and went back home to greet Ash. As I home to greet Ash,she seemed surprise to know what was in the Bag...
"Hey Ash calm down You need to close your eye's first"
"Ugh!Ok fine..."
"Ok now open them I got you something since you mostly write your songs on paper why not on a screen"
Her face filled up with excitement and had a smile
"Thank you Johnny"
"No,thank you Ash You've made my life more better since Now my dad is in jail and All"
She gave hug but I didn't return one I gave her a Kiss on the cheeks...
"Ready for that meal?"Ash said with a smile
"Sure thing Ash let's go!"
As we both got in my truck and drove down to the place, Ash got off As I opened the door for her.
As we both went to line to wait and then got seated down,Ash ordered the Tour of Italy and I ordered some Salmon with some veggies on the side (Sorry if this Is making you hungry but this is What I eat there)
As we both finished our meal and paid the bill I was walking outside to see a car speeding up,I knew it wasn't going to slow down,Ash was already ahead of me
"Ash Look out!"Her reaction was shocking.She couldn't move.
As I thought'C'mon Johnny think'
It hit me,I ran to push Ash out of the way and instead of her getting hit by the car,It was me...

Third Person
Oh no...Johnny risked his life to A pedestrian and to his girlfriend only this time,He didn't dodge it.
As Johnny Flew 10 feet.He did live I'd tell you that,but Now we wait til next chapter...

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter but I ensure Johnny is Ok and this will have a happy ending of these next chapters By the way I was listening to 50 cent's song-Many Men
I thought instead of a drive by what about a hit and run...Sorry if you hate me for doing this to Johnny but it's a fiction stuff I trust you know Tradegy happens And then a happy ending and then back to normal lives...DjDavid Out...Cya

Mmmmmm...That Tour of Italy tastes deliciously good...

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