The Final Battle(Part 4)

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As Aisha and Tecna flew off to the tornado, Bloom and Musa joined forces with Stella and Flora to defeat their assigned opponents. As they approached the ice and darkness witches, they could hear the wicked cackling of Tharma as she terrorized a group of specialists who were trying to defend against her lightning strikes in vain. 

"Tecna and Aisha better hurry up" Musa pointed out, "or we'll all be fried before you could play a C sharp"

"I wouldn't know how to play a note even if I was given a gazillion lessons" Stella tried to imitate playing a violin, but it ended up looking like she was having a hard time brushing her teeth.

Having heard the commotion behind them, the evil duo of ancestresses took a break from turning people into dark popsicles and turned around to face their adversaries.

"Look who's come flying back for round two" Lysslis taunted as she shot dark tentacles towards Flora.

"Magical vine grab!" Flora yelled, defending herself.

Bloom took this opportunity to attack the snickering ice witch who was continuing to turn random people into ice cubes.

"Flames of Bravery!" She charged and fired an attack which grazed her target.

All of a sudden, a bright light emitted from somewhere else in the courtyard as the tornado dissipated, saving specialists, fairies, and witches alike.

"Way to go girls!" Bloom cheered before quickly dodging an icicle aimed for her head.

"You pixies have some nerve to show up in the middle of this after hiding in your weak shield" Belladona jeered.

"First of all, you were the ones who left us in the dark bubble" Musa retorted, obviously annoyed, "Secondly, your popsicles are melting"

Sure enough, Bloom and Stella had slipped past the witches and were now using their powers to melt their frozen allies. Belladona yelled out in frustration and sent a blizzard in their direction. With the new challenge, Stella started to teleport the frozen people behind the school, near the Southern forest, where they would be safe for now. As Bloom was protecting the victims with a shield, she could hear the sounds of battle from her comrades and sent out a call for her scaled friend. 

Blair! Can you hear me?! If so, please go to the back of the school where the forest South of here starts and start melting the ice! Bloom called out. It was strange to yell through her own mind and she wasn't sure if it was going to work.

I'm on it Bloom! This better end fast because there aren't many allies left to fight. They're calling for outside help and the rest of the students from all the schools! Blair responded.

"One more Bloom!" Stella shouted through the gale force winds, "keep that one safe for just a moment!"

She trudged her way through the gathering snow to get to where Bloom had kept the last block of darkened ice safe from the harsh winter storm. With much difficulty, Stella managed to reach the last victim of the witch's wrath.

"I've got to go help Musa with Belladona, so be sure to get back soon to help Flora!" Bloom shouted over the growing winds and flew upwards.

Stella nodded in agreement and disappeared in a flash. From up high, the battle field looked quite different. A third of it was covered in snow as the blizzard raged on, extending into the forest so far, you couldn't see the end of it. Another third was suffering a terrible hurricane as the final third was completely dark. 

Bloom dove into the frozen terrain and took a couple of turns around walls of ice to find Musa hovering in the middle of a maze of ice, completely confused.

"What's happened?" Bloom questioned.

"I don't know! After she sent the blizzard towards you,  ice built up and all I can see are reflections of myself. Every time I fly up, there's an illusion that makes it look deserted, but I can feel her magical presence around here somewhere" Musa let out an exasperated sigh, "When I attack them, the notes reverberate and reflect off each other until it fades"

"I will try to heat things up, or at least weaken the effect so you can shatter the ice" Bloom proposed, "Flame Storm Vortex Burst!" She yelled. The violet stone in the middle of her forehead lit up and she extended her hands, spreading warmth everywhere. Waves of orange light flooded the maze, flowing through all of the twists and turns of the life-size puzzle.

At this point, the effects of the blizzard started to wear off, melting, and stranded allies could be seen celebrating the newfound warmth. Bloom dropped to the ground to take a breather as Musa took that as a cue to continue her work.

The musical fairy closed her eyes and started to sing a calming melody as her sound waves carried on in all directions, shaking and shattering all signs of remaining ice. The sound of her voice cancelled out every other noise and awakened the spirits of many. The soft lullaby seemed to be a battle cry as a giant ball of  light rose from the dark side of the region. The pattering of the rain from the hurricane ceased as people could see the molecules of water stopped in midair.

The illuminating ball exploded, spreading light everywhere, as the water droplets joined it soon after, shooting into the sky, creating a rainbow.

Musa slowly came to the end of her tune as her eyes fluttered open. She was taken back at what she saw. 

"Did a song do all of this?" She questioned as she gave herself a well-deserved pat on the back.

The courtyard was deadly quiet. One third of allies were rubbing their eyes, getting used to the light, while another third had the strangest hairdos' from the gale force winds and pelting rain. The last third just seemed to be standing there, relishing in the warmth provided by the setting sun.

Wait... Setting sun?!

Not good. Night means darkness. Darkness means black magic has an advantage. Black magic means-

"It's the witches!" A senior witch warned her comrades. 

Sure enough, out of the shadows came a very agitated group of Ancestresses. As the final rays of the setting sun dissipated, the Winx and their respected specialists gathered, ready for one final battle. The rest of the students of the schools had arrived in the courtyard, wary of battling a fabled group of witches.

"The assembly of Royals sent some more allies to help" Sky approached Bloom and whispered in her ear, though it was hard to take him seriously with his hurricane-made Mohawk.

"Which royals?" Bloom questioned, her voice breathy as she continued to recover from her previous attack.

As if on cue, multiple shuttles appeared. On the side of the aircraft were two painted swords creating an 'X' shape. That's when it hit Bloom. 

The help was coming from Eraklyon.


I'm sorry for not updating for a month, but I'm on a roll, so I might update sooner than expected this time. Thanks so much to Becstinlover55 for motivating me to update with her positive comments. There are many of you who inspire you to write more so be sure to comment and vote if you like it!

-- wonderwomen09 C:

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