Wip + 525

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I just did greys (grays?) because I'm tired

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I just did greys (grays?) because I'm tired

The characters are from my story 525.

The asshole on the left that I love sm is Jack or Anon and the sweet baby on the left is Catherine.

Jack manipulates the shit out of Catherine, and then he fucking shoots her when he finds out she's pregnant with his baby smh.

Jack's tendencies to result in violence when he's upset basically fucking creates the afterlife. (The story takes place in the afterlife.)

It's called 525 because 5/25 or May 25 is when shit goes down

It's called 525 because 5/25 or May 25 is when shit goes down

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lol this is Death and his job is boring as fuck.
He basically does paperwork for dead people.

And that's all he does

Poor baby.

this is Jace who is Jack's brother

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this is Jace who is Jack's brother

Jace is the god of water
Jack is the god of time

And they have a third brother who's named Ryan and he's the god of destruction. (Their dad is gay vampire dad from the other chapter)

It's basically a chess game but instead of black and white it's impure and pure.

Jack is the impure king
And Ryan is the pure king

It gets so confusing and I'll explain more of it later boyo

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