Chapter 8

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I watch as the stripper before me shaked her ass vying for my attention

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I watch as the stripper before me shaked her ass vying for my attention. I don't usually go to strip clubs but the only reason I'm here is because I needed a release from work and Robyn.. Ever since she came into my life I've been hornier than ever. I got a little tired of solving the problem by myself with my own hand.. I needed female company to satisfy my needs.. i of course wanted Robyn to be that female but she just won't let up.

I've been trying to figure out what exactly I'm doing wrong. I even had to get advice from my brother Trey resulting in me coming to terms with my true feelings. He knows that ultimately I never really had a "real" girlfriend.. I've come close but I ended up getting my heart broken. I told Trey that I think I might have feelings for Robyn.. I'm not completely sure but I know how I feel around her.

The stripper continued to do her dance but I was barely paying any attention. Trey and the rest of my crew were partying it up and throwing money like there was no tomorrow. We had to keep in mind that we couldn't get too drunk because we had business to take care of in a little bit. Our best deal yet is being taken place at this club/party scenery. I'm not nervous but I'm very cautious about it because this will be the first time we ever do something like this.

"Chris! You good? You seem out of it tonight. Are you still thinking about Robyn?" Trey asked me. I didn't think anyone would notice my lack of awareness but I guess you could say Trey knows me.

I turned to look at the stripper that was previously keeping my company. I decided to respond to his question honestly instead of playing it off.. "it's a mixture of things, but that's part of it.. the main thing I'm worried about are these deals we're about to do."

"Man, you know that we are always impeccable when it comes to that, just chill out nigga everything will be fine." Trey stated with his eyes fixated on the strippers. I furrowed my eyebrows at him because of what he said.

"Did you just say impeccable..?" I asked laughing.

"Yes Nigga, that word of the day app is really paying off."

"Man, you crazy" I said reverting my attention back to the strippers.

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