Harry Styles

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There was a myth that said an omega will feel helpless and will submit to the authority of an alpha but Louis never believed them because there is no way he will just give himself to some big egotistical alpha, he was not something to be owned just because his biology decided to fuck him up and turn him into an omega.

A beta would have sufficed but no, someone else decided to give him parts that enable him to produce offspring's and do not get him started with his heats. Those days where he feels not in control with his body and a certain craving that he will never admit he needs will consume him that he almost cries.

They say an omega would have more bearable heats if he or she has an alpha to provide a knot. Being in a conservative family brings a whole lot of problem to Louis though because he had to stay a virgin and couldn't just ask random alphas to help him with his heats.

Also, his brothers will kill any alpha that went near Louis' bedroom in the castle and being his brothers, they were used to his smell, the scent that every omega in heat produces to call out an alpha, begging for them to take them.

Louis did not know why he was suddenly having these thoughts right at the time where he was locked inside a room with a very intimidating alpha who has decided to finally stop looking at him and decided to polish his sword. Louis had breathed out a sigh of relief when the alpha finally directed his focus into something else rather than Louis, he did not know if he can handle the intensity in Harry's stare.

He just wished Harry could not read minds though because if he suddenly got hold of Louis' thoughts then that would really be embarrassing for the prince.

It is also not appropriate to think of heats because he might suddenly produce slick and he was sure Harry could sniff it from him and he will surely be a dead man.

"I brought you here so you could ask me questions prince, not to play guessing games on what is running on that head of yours." Harry suddenly spoke.

'If only Harry knew what was running in my head, he would think I am no royalty.' Louis thought to himself.

So he braced himself and decided to remove all the unnecessary things in his head because this is a serious matter. He was kidnapped and he should not let his guard down and think of something to protect himself from this outlaws.

"Where are we?" Louis finally asked while glaring at Harry.

He should try and appear brave right? It is the right thing to do to make them believe that he's not some pathetic weak omega that they can order around; he should at least try and earn their respect because he was still a prince.

"I will not answer that question because you might suddenly try to escape, if you don't know where we are you might think twice on escaping because you would be lost and has no other option but to stay." The alpha answered coolly.

Louis had scrunched his nose angrily because who does this alpha think he is? So what if he would get himself lost in those vast forest, surely he would be able to survive...ok, maybe he can't since the forest is filled with wild beast that would tear him up to pieces or even worse, more outlaws that wouldn't recognize him as the prince and kill him instead.

So running away was not really an option for the omega prince but it does not mean Harry could just act like that around him, he should demand respect from him even if he really is scared and his knees were almost shaking.

"Y-you..." Louis cleared his thought and tried not to humiliate himself further by stuttering with his words. "You said I can ask any questions but you refused to give me an answer."

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