Be Patient to Me

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Woops, an update slipped.

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Louis has felt all possible emotions.

It feels like he was floating in such a cloud, he couldn't explain if it in words.

He and Harry had spent the whole day just talking, for Louis, it was the best moment in his life.

As an omega with a lot of older alpha brothers, he was educated that an alphas primal instinct is to take and breed omegas who are willing for the taking, he had witnessed and saw his brothers in their true nature and he thought that when the time comes that it might be the same to him.

Any alpha can claim him, and he would not have any say on the matter.

But there was Harry, spending the whole day with him and just talking about absolutely everything without feeling the fear that any second Harry would just snap and just claim Louis.

The first day symbolizes friendship and trust and Harry did it for him, Louis never felt closer to anyone where he was free to speak even the silliest thing he had felt, a feeling that was not easy to have since he was prince and any people would either only speak to him to gain something or want something in return.

Louis didn't know the full details of courting, but he was excited beyond belief, to think that this tradition happens to what the people think are the worst of the worst.

People you love and want to spend your whole life with should be cherished not sold or given in return of money or power.

Harry has built his own kingdom where everyone is equal, and they help each other in times of need, if you would ask Louis into who the most powerful kingdom was then he would say it was this remote village.

The second day of courting came, and Louis felt too excited for someone who barely had a wink of sleep.

He felt a presence in the room and thought that Harry was here to drop something before leaving but to his surprise, the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was Harry.

He was already dressed in his usual attire and was leaning on the door as he smiled at Louis he slowly made his way over next to Louis bed before kneeling and tucking a stray hair out of his face.

Louis was too much in daze to properly care about how he might look horrid after just waking up.

Harry does not seem to mind.

"Good Morning my sweet prince." He greeted with a smile.

Louis can count how often Harry smiled when he first met him, he was always so serious and has a permanent blank look on his face so seeing that small dent from the dimples on his face was rare treat.

Louis already loved the morning.

"What are you doing here?" Louis asked after snapping out of his trance.

He suddenly felt a bit shy because he was only wearing a shirt and some small trousers that Niall lend him to sleep comfortably.

If they were in the castle, the castle guards would have already sliced his head off for entering the omega prince's room, any alpha who is not family and dared to go will immediately lose its head.

Louis trusted Harry though and he was not even looking at his exposed skin, his eyes were only staring at hi face with a warm look.

"We need to get ready, I have something planned for you today." Harry said before giving him another smile and standing up.

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