
352 26 28

Yay! New chapter! Enjooy :)


Louis was getting restless as each hour goes by that he was trapped inside a carriage with the unidentified men of King Alexander who took him and slaughtered his father's soldiers.

Every minute which passes makes his escape more difficult.

The farther he is from the village, the more dangerous the situation becomes.

He would not only worry about running and hiding from obviously trained soldiers but also making sure he was not caught by outlaws lurking behind the vast forest, waiting for a victim to strike.

He wondered if Harry was made aware of his disappearance, the distance was making their bond weak that Louis was having a hard time sending anxious signals to alert his alpha.

Surely the others must have noticed him missing and should have found the massacre that was left behind from Louis' almost rescue operation.

Louis turns his attention to the sleeping man on the other side of the carriage, wondering if he was conscious enough to notice if Louis would slide to the side where a piece of broken nail was hanging, the nail might be able to create a tear on the rope and loosen it. Once his hand is free, he can then untie his feet and run if outside if the opportunity arises.

He knew the odds, and they were not in his favor.

But Louis was willing to risk it if there are still a slim chance that he can get away.

He watched the movement from his kidnapper, studying every inhale and exhale to see if any change indicates that he was awake or asleep.

After a few minutes of no change, he was sure he was asleep, so Louis carefully lied down on his front and wiggled to where the hanging nail was. It was an awkward position with his legs bent behind and his ass up in the air as he wiggled on the floor with as much grace as a worm.

"That is a rather compromising position little prince." A gruff voice startled him which made Louis freeze on his spot. "Is that an invitation?"

Louis quickly rolled to his side and shied away from the hands which appeared.

"Get your hands off of me." Louis hissed.

Louis was confused because he knew he would have noticed if the man got up, his senses were not the best in detecting presence on his surrounding but in a very small space, any unfamiliar movement should have been recognizable.

The man raised one curious eyebrow at Louis. "I hope you are not stupid enough to escape."

Louis looked down on the floor, avoiding the man's gaze because it was obvious that his plan had failed.

"How about this, I will untie you and let you sit here right next to me." He patted the open space next to him. "We have a lot of time to spare and maybe you prefer spending that time doing other things."

Louis raised his head angrily to level his gaze and glared at the man who is the very definition of scum of the earth. "Go rot in hell."

"That is too bad to hear, I would have made sure that you are comfortable but suit yourself." He shrugged and started walking towards Louis.

Louis sat frozen as the distance between them lessened, he was not sure of the man's intention, but he knew from the start that it was not any good.

The man stopped and then kneeled, hand reaching out to the hanging nail where he pulled it without much effort, twirling the rusting iron on his fingers.

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