No Explanation?

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"Something has to give and it can't be me... It can't be me."
Her daughters words echoed around her head as her louboutins clicked along the corridor, alerting staff of her presence in the department.
Her head was down and she was looking intently at the closed patient file she held in her arms blocking out the world. Not looking where she was going she walked straight into the one person she was trying to avoid.
"Staff Nurse Masters." She addressed him professionally, hoping he would take the hint.
"Connie." He put his hands on her arms, "Why are you avoiding me?"
She stepped back out of his grip.
Clutching the file to her chest she looked directly at him. It hurt her to say what she was about to, but she told herself 'it's for the best. For Grace.'
"Look, Jacob it's not going to work out between us." She swallowed, willing herself to remain strong even though she didn't want to leave him.
"What? Where's this coming from?" He frowned.
"Just... Just give me some space Jacob." She stepped around him beginning to climb the staircase, her hand running along the wooden rail.
Jacob stared after her in disbelief.
"That's it? No explanation?" He shook his head, half laughing at her. He'd heard the rumours of her man-eating past and he was wishing he'd believed them, saved himself the trouble now.
Connie ignored his comments, she needed to do this for Grace and she knew that if she turned back she wouldn't be able to.
"I should've listened to the gossip about your past. I could've saved myself from you, Mrs Beauchamp." He called after her.
It hurt to hear him say that. Mrs Beauchamp. She'd got used to the other comments about her previous tendencies but hearing the man she loved stop calling her Connie, sweetcheeks or even Queen B, which she had previously banned, but instead addressing her formally crushed her. A solitary tear dripped down her cheek, leaving a small speck in her white blouse as she pushed the door open to an empty treatment room. She hastily swiped at her eyes with the palms of her hands, ridding herself of her salty tears. Connie took a few deep breaths, straightening her blouse and hair, composing herself before stepping back out into the ED. She had a reputation to uphold.
As the gruelling 10 hour shift neared its end Connie sat in her office, finishing off her paperwork for the day. The door opened and Charlie came in, standing in front of her desk.
"What have you done Connie?" He asked, frowning somewhat sympathetically at the consultant.
"I can see he makes you happy, so why end it? He's a good guy he'll understand."
She glanced up at him, a small smile gracing her features.
"Just tell him why. You'll find a way around it." Charlie advised as he slipped back out of the office.
A few minutes after the older nurse had departed Connie followed his path out of the door, in search of a certain staff nurse. After a few minutes she found him in the staff room, alone, leaning against his locker facing away from the door.
"Jacob." He spun round at the sound of her voice.
"What do you want?" He questioned her, his voice aggressive.
"I want to explain. I'm so sorry." She perched on one of the stools behind the table, opposite Jacob who was stood the other side.
"Grace made me choose after she saw us. You or her, but I can't loose her again, not after last time."
Jacob slowly moved to sit on a stool, at Connies height, "but why Con? Why did you do it like that?"
She shook her head, "I don't know, I don't know Jacob but I love you and I didn't want to let you go at all."
She reached a hand out onto the table, after a hesitation Jacob placed it in his own, giving her a small smile.
"Grace will come round to it. She'll have to."
The smiled at each other, leaning in for a quick kiss.
Jacob grabbed his bag, having already discarded his uniform and followed Connie to her office where she slipped on her coat and hooked her bag over her shoulder. They walked along the corridor to reception where Connie stopped to thank Charlie, who then agreed to talk to Grace for her.
With her usual timing the young girl ran into the ED, having arrived back from school. Charlie met her first and took her to one side.
"Grace, your mum loves so much okay, and she always wants to spend time with you even though it's not always possible. You know her being with Jacob might even work in your favour sometimes! Just try and get along yeah?" He rubbed her arms, "good girl. Go on then!"
Grace smiled at Charlie and continued to reception to meet her mother.
"Hey Gracie!" Connie pulled her into a tight hug.
"Hi mum," she wrapped her arms around her mother,"can we get pizza?"
Connie let go of her daughter who was beginning to squirm out of the embrace, waiting for a reply.
"It's a school night Gracie, we don't want to stay up late." Graces face dropped a little.
"Oh come on Con! It's only pizza it's not gonna be to to late!" He pulled Connie into his side.
She sighed and gave in, "Fine but we're back by half nine latest and no one is sharing my pizza."
Grace smiled and held out a hand to Jacob who high fived her.
"Let's go firecracker!"
Connie smiled and followed after them as they raced out to Connie's car, throwing a smile to Charlie on the way.
He smiled back and waved at her, "goodnight Connie!"
As they piled into her car, heading to the Italian.
"I love you mum." Came from the back seat.
"I love you too Gracie." Connie smiled at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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