Chapter 41

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Liam’s POV

Her phone starts buzzing bright and early the next morning.

“Mmmm answer it,” she groans, curling her head down lower into the pillow. Without opening my eyes, I feel around on the shelf by the bed until I come into contact with it.

“Hullo?” I ask, tiredly answering it. There’s a beat of silence.

“Elodie?” a small voice asks, confused.

“No, it’s Liam. Who’s this?” I let out  a groan, holding it away from my ear as a shriek erupts.

“Gimmie it,” Elodie grumbles, holding her hand open for her phone. “What do you want Varshitha?” she asks, and I can’t help but grin at the fact she recognized her sister’s scream. She remains silent as her sister talks, occasionally making an mhm sound. “Lauren’s.” she says. “Mhm,” she adds, going silent  again as her sister talks. “Because he’s here.” Silence again and I wish I could hear the whole conversation and not just half of it. “No, I’m not fucking your favorite band.” Noise from the phone. “Fine, go tell Dad. I’ll tell Lauren to give the horses to someone else.” She pauses as her sister says something else. “Good.You’re welcome. I’ll talk to you later,” she says, hanging up the phone. “She called me to thank me for the horses, got even more excited when she found out they were Louis’ girlfriend’s, accused me of sleeping with the whole band, and then got mad at me for swearing at her,” she tells me.

“Well at least she called to thank you in the first place,” I offer. From what she’d told me of her family, that in itself was a miracle. Granted, I don’t know how often she did things which warranted a thank you from her sister.

“True,” she says with a sigh.

“She almost blew my ear off when I answered the phone,” I reply with a chuckle as she puts the phone back up on the shelf.

“Yea, you probably shouldnt’ve have answered it,” she says casually. “Like imagine if it had been my dad.” I freeze at her words as it hits me what that would have seemed like. Me answering her phone, early in the morning. Her dad would’ve jumped to the same conclusion her sister had. And he was the President. That thought freaked me out and I began thinking that I should talk to him before continuing this with her. The thoughts are wiped from my mind though as she turns around to face me. “You’re gorgeous, do you know that?” I say softly, combing a bit of her bedhead hair behind her ear with my fingers.

“Yea, I’m sure I look fantastic. Having just woken up and all,” she drawls sarcastically. I laugh leaning in to kiss her, only to have her clamp a hand over my mouth.

“Not a chance. You always have the worst morning breath,” she says, releasing my mouth. I laugh, tempted to breathe in her face, but decide I don’t want to get punched and instead roll out of bed and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I come out, Elodie’s already up and changed into workout clothes, pulling on her shoes.

“Don’t be late or Paul will be mad,” she teases, pulling her hair up into a ponytail.

“Since when do you care if Paul is mad?” I joke as I start to find my own set of clothes.

“I don’t, but you do,” she answers with a grin before leaving the room. I hear the bus door open and shut as I hurriedly change clothes and exit the bus myself. Elodie’s already off to the side, strapping on her gloves as she jokes around with the trainer Mark had gotten for her. I find myself standing there, just watching, as they joke around. It was incredible to think this was the same girl who’d joined us on tour. That girl didn’t smile. She’d only give sarcastic smirks and biting responses. This girl would laugh and joke around. This girl seemed happy. I was falling in love with this girl.

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