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And when they try to comfort you and stop the tears, don't listen to them for a little while, because it's alright. It's okay to cry.

Even if you're up at 2 in the morning with red, swollen eyes, trying to figure out why you're feeling this way, don't doubt your tears for a second, because they're helping you. They're helping you more than that TV show you're trying to distract yourself with, that temporary friend that never quite cares enough, that sad, sad song that you must turn off because even though it's alright to cry, it's not okay to feel like your insides are dead.

It's okay to wake up one day and feel a tiny crack inside you, but it's not okay when the broken pieces inside you start rattling every time you walk, just like it's not okay to keep handing someone the glue to fix you when their hand's not even outstretched, because we all do that.

We all put so much faith and hope into people and expect them to understand us and deal with us when our heads ache from the crying because if it was them, we'd hand-make a watering can to catch their tears and water their damaged souls.

Some of them don't get it though. They simply don't quite see what's going on inside that foggy mind of yours, mostly because they don't want to. They go on with their lives, ignoring the hollowness in your voice and the emptiness in your eyes.

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