Chapter 7: Tell me where it leads

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"The first attack has been landed my lady.." A sinister voice echoed trough the silent room.

"Good and how did it end?" A female voice redeemed from emotion asked. 

"We are still awaiting the results my lady as soon as we are informed we will tell you." 

"Of course I hope for a joyous outcome, so tell your men to make sure off that.." the lady said it without emotion but the other man knew the underlying message very well.

"Yes my lady." 

"Then you may take your leave.." the female poured a red substance in to her glass as she gave him no more attention.

"Understood my lady..." the male bowed and in that position left the room.

As soon as he closed the door behind a black portal appeared in the room revealing another male but his pose and aura was more intimidatin than the past male and this time the lady silently tensed up. 

"Ivy.."  the guys said in a spine chilling tone "Do you have any news yet?" 

"Yes my lord, the first attack has been landed now we only need to await the results." Ivy said as she sat up straight.

"Let me know when you have results." the man said with a stern voice.

"Understood bro-, I mean my lordr" Ivy quickly hurried to correct herself hoping he was in a normal mood today.

"I forgive you since you did a good deed today but don't repeat the same mistake!" the man warned and without even yelling he could still make the mighty lady shiver.

"Understood brother." Ivy said bowing her head as the man opened a black portal again and left as fast as he came.

"You may now come in Baekhyun." Ivy said knowing the male was waiting outside the door as to not to anger Ash. 

"Thank you madam." Baekhyun bowed as he walked in and closed the door. Immediately his posture changed and he walked towards Ivy putting his hands on her shoulder and massaging them slightly "Ivy chill down or you spine will give out on you soon." he said in a matter off fact way.

"And since when did you become so impertinent with me commander Byun Baekhyun~" Ivy asked amused.

"I did not become impertinent with you princess after all I still am your knight and tutor but I can see the tension in your shoulder from a mile away." Baekhun replied not wavering. 

"Right what ever you can stop the massage now!" Ivy suddenly stood up and started pacing around in the room "You know what situation and time we are in so there is no way I can ease up until those 7 fiends are captured understood?!" her whole tone changed

"Yes princess but how about you release that tension in a different way?" Baekhyun asked while raising his eyebrow.

"How? By wounding something for fun and leaving it on the brink off death and watching it die from torture?" Ivy let out a sinister laugh only by the idea. 

"No.." Baekhyun said walking very close and leaning in to her ear as he put a hand on her waist "But let me show you.." he whisperd in her ear...

*Amaryllis flower shop*

"Mirae, please come to reality!" Jin softly said as he carefully shook Mirae's shoulders "What you are seeying right now is a mere recap off time, it happened in the past and you can't get lost in it!"

Jin knew the symptoms off getting a vision and he knew how dangerous they could be especially if the came from the past and unconciously activated your powers. What he saw in Mirae's face right now was nothing more than those symptomes he didn't want to see and by all cost he needed her to respond.

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