¡Please read this Note!

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An announcement for the ppgz lovers and readers! Okay so the book (Where are you?) will be updated this week but I'm having a little trouble with ideas! So please be flexible with me! Everything has been stressful so far and I am having a lot of time taken away from me! I hope you guys understand!

You guys are so awesome literally I am so happy you guys like it when I went to edit this morning I was like wow when I saw there were over 200 views and I had a mini heart attack because you guys made my day and I'm really really really happy, excited, and I'm about to cry because you guys like it!

And thank you for the views and votes you guys are so awesome and I never thought these books would actually be popular or liked they were really fun to write and I'm glade you like them! Seriously you guys make my day by me seeing you guys liking them!

From all of the cast the ppgz's to the villains we thank you and we are really happy you like us!!

Thank you loves!!!!!!

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