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Phoenix's POV

My fingers twitched with nervous electricity as I sat on my bed staring at the clock. In three minutes we would all leave our rooms, and the plan would be carried out by Harry. Thoughts raced round my head- everything that could wrong and what could happen to me. I would be the first suspect on their list, and knowing Smith I would be locked up without trial.

Not locked up in prison, no he wasn't kind enough to do that. Instead he'd mark me as insane and I'd be carried away in a straight jacket without being able to say one word for my cause. I just had to put my faith in Harry, and hope that nothing would disrupt our plans.

23:00. Time to go. Padding through the corridors, I saw other patients leave their rooms having escaped their nurses who had probably gone home after gentle coxing from a patient. I had told my nurse that she looked like she needed a night off, and she quickly took me up on my offer and went home. I knew the story was the same for the other nurses.

Nobody could be harmed during the fire- that was one thing we had to be clear on. No one wanted blood on their hands, this was simply a protest against what we were being subjected to. The night air was fresh and I saw a few dazed faces standing outside.

There were a few half-asleep nurses that had been led outside and were sitting on the bench in front of the centre; they were so sleep-deprived that they didn't care what was going on so long as they could sleep.

Slowly the area in front of the centre filled with people wearing nightgowns and weary faces, and no one spoke as we stared at the centre in front of us. I don't know what I expected, maybe I had envisioned that the moment I stepped outside of that hellhole it would burst into flames.

I pictured Harry walking down the corridors to make sure that everyone was evacuated, and I couldn't imagine how scared he was. My stomach knotted and fluttered, and I couldn't do anything but stare straight forward. I remembered how I had never apologised to Harry for the way I had been acting, and I hoped that he has realised I was acting under the influence of heavy drugs.

"What is happening here?" A booming voice called across the car park, and Smith jumped out his car; my heart stopped beating for a moment- was our plan doomed?

But one look at the centre made me feel comforted, for I saw the familiar orange glow of flames in some of the windows upstairs and all eyes were glued to it. Smith stood and watched in dismay from his car for a second before ringing the fire brigade, his hands frantically running through his hair.

The nurses had woken up by now and were doing their best to appear busy, but for once no one was misbehaving enough for them to do anything. We were all staring as the building that had harboured so much hate slowly turned into an orange and yellow cauldron of fire, destroying the awful things that had happened there.

Looking over to Alfred, the boy in the wheelchair who had told us about Harry's seemingly ridiculous plan, and in his lap sat the documents Harry had taken from the reception that would incriminate Smith. As the minutes ticked on, and the fire engine finally came to extinguish the fire which had destroyed a majority of the old building, I wondered where Harry was.

Looking over the crowd of faces, I tried to remain calm as I looked for his face. It was dark, and shadows danced on some faces so I couldn't be sure but Harry was not among the crowd. He couldn't still be in the building? Fear trickling through me, I mechanically followed the orders of the nurses as we lined up to be registered.

"Harold Styles?" I heard a nurse shout over the roaring of the fire, and silence fell over the boys who looked around.

Taking deep breaths, I tried to tell myself that I was coming to conclusions without knowing anything. For all I knew, Harry was simply watching the fire burn from the back garden or he had found a room untouched by the fire and was finding solace in there.

Murmurs started all around me, and all eyes fell onto me at the discovery that Harry was not among us. Looking up at the building that was still burning despite the best efforts of the firefighters, I stifled a cry. No one could survive that.

"Where are you Harry?" I whispered into the night air, and closed my eyes.

He had made such a huge imprint on my life, had been such an influence, and even thinking about him not being there brought tears to me eyes. I wiped them away, claiming that they were just from the heat from the fire in front of us.

Smith was walking around furiously, glaring at me occasionally but I knew he had no proof yet that it had been me. For once I wasn't guilty. He was going down, but at what cost I didn't know.

I kept looking forward at the building, expecting Harry to run out with his beaming smile or at the very least being carried out by a fireman. But he didn't come.

"I may have just killed Harry Styles," I couldn't help but whisper to myself.

Where is Harry?! Is he dead? This was quite a tense chapter to write, what are your theories about Harry's whereabouts? Can we also just take a minute to appreciate Harry's (actual Harry) new song 'Sign of The Times'- I LOVE IT!

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