Chapter 4

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It's been three weeks since I found Team Crafted. It's been awkward for me since I know live in a house with seven boys all a couple of years or for Ty my exact age. But today was going to be there first hunting day.

"Well I hope we do good" Ty stated

"Well I hope we speak English by the end of the week" I replied I kinda am starting to hate listening to there crappy YouTuber language. I had told them that if we killed good today we'd move on over these weeks we've been doing lots of work I had started to get them fitter and and taught them how to approach different animals also.

-time lapse after hunting- (soz just am tired and not in the mood)

"YAY" they all screamed in unison I had counted up the food we had collected and killed it was past enough we were prepared to move on well I hope that I can remember my way around it's been a while since my old traveling days. Tomorrow we were heading out.

"HELLO?" I heard a feminine voice say. We walked onto the balcony the boys and I had become like a pack with me being Alpha and the others obeying my word they never back chatted me knowing I couldn't give two sh*ts about killing them.

"Omg your Team Crafted and some slut" she yelled again I felt like yelling back and yea your that blonde bimbo that lives her life in a strip club (I'm sorry if someone you know has to work in a club it's just for meaning so sorry if you take affence or something along those lines) but instead I heard Snow say it.

"Hey Mitch and Adam and all you pretty boys can I come up" she said they instantly looked at me

"Do what ever you like she's not my fan" I whispered then turned around and walked off thinking just cause I'm in a sports bra and short shorts doesn't mean I'm a slut like seriously it's friggen hot in a forest with no AC and it's as hot as hell. Jerome was in just his boxers which I didn't much like but what ever and at least the rest of the boys had there shirts off only Snow was back with me she had returned from the lake with us while the rest of the pack stayed at the pond swimming around.

"Sure" Jerome said I could hear the nervousness in his voice and could feel the boys eyes burning in my back I snapped my back around and said

"Stop staring or you won't have a booty" I teased they knew I was just joking around and so they let off a light giggle. The girl appeared and I watched as she looked Mitch up and down and instantly turned around and undid two top buttons showing a little lace bra wow I thought she was gonna get but not from Mitch or any of the boys they were to scared I'd walk in and tell them to shut up and then slam the door shut but she was probably like Fang said 'I will kill any girl he goes with other then you. I burst out laughing at the thought.

"What" Jason asked

"Yeah, what" the girl snapped I glared

"You better watch your mouth brat I'm not as nice as the boys and I won't hesitate to rip your throat out" I replied

"I'm going back to the lake with Snow don't come looking for me you barely even remember how to get 20 feet back to the house" I said while chuckling then lent over and grabbed my bow and quill and walked off but not before hearing

"What's that bitches problem wait I know cause I'm hotter and cuter and I get you" I turned around in time to see her kiss Mitch straight on the lips I just stared turned around and let the tears slip and ran. I just ran I usually after an hour get tired but I ran the three hour walk which turned to a half hour ran to the lake. And fell to the ground and burst out crying.

"How dare she" I mumbled

"How dare who?" Fang asked walking up to me while Snow just ran to the waters edge where Buckley was and pounced on him.

"A girl the boys let her in since she was a fan and then she called me a slut and a bitch and in this turn it pretty much means your a whore and then started to make out with Mitch!" I sobbed

"How dare she" I heard him growl as he was about to run off I just looked at him and pointed to my bow lets just go hunt around maybe and hopefully find Prince.

"Don't worry I'm already here youngster" I heard the very trusting voice ( imagine Prince like Bambi's dad and if you don't know who Bambi is watch the movie).

"Prince" I looked up and told him everything he listened carefully and never barged in.

"Well" he said

"I believe that you should hang around here till sunset then we will all head to the house and sleep and for you sakes I will stay until the next full moon" he said

"Thank you" I replied and ran and hugged him.

-time skip to sunset-

"Wow it's already time to go" I laughed then remembered it wasn't like last time I had stayed here I was having so much fun that lost track of time that day today I was to caught up in my mind to even know that I hadn't moved that entire time.

"Well let's head off then" Prince said and with that I hopped onto Fang and we galloped off. We just told silly jokes like always we burst out laughing when Snow nearly face planted into the ground while walking up to house staring dreamily at Buck (Buckley). We were still all laughing when we got back when we walked in I saw that girl sitting in Mitch's lap and making out with him I looked carefully and easily saw that he wasn't enjoying it and just kept ignoring her struggles to make him follow her he just tried to keep her there. He instantly laid his eyes on me they were so pleading it nearly had me crying there and then but nope I wasn't a fan of crying in front of girls like this one. Then I heard it a menacing growl from all the pack and Prince snort furiously.

"Oh no" I whispered my face I could feel had fear written all over it I tried to get the animals attention from them two and try and show that I didn't care.

"Hi guys I see Mitch isn't a forever alone" I said trying to lighten the mood

"Yes and I hope you don't forget that he's with me" the girl said

"I hope your realising your playing with fire" I replied

"Pffft... Yeah right I can tell your jealous"

"Oh well I hope you read up on your facts and ask why there's only six rooms so Mitch sleeps with me" I growled she was getting on me nerve and unfortunately for her the boys wouldn't try and fight not with the pack and Prince on my side.

"Um... Were hungry" Jason said trying to lighten the mood

"Cook it you f*cking selves" I snapped then stormed off into the main area I would sit in with the pack it was a big room and Prince when he stayed would sleep here along with any other animal friends.

-knock knock-

"What" I snapped

"Well her name is Victoria if you wanted to know" I hear Jerome say

"Tell her to keep her hands off Mitch cause it'll just kill her if she don't" I reply

"Alright" I hear him say before he gulps and walks off. Hope that girl knows who she is dealing with.

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