WHAT!? We're traveling... AGAIN

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"Ha you made a series on your main channel where use would all build a tree house and live in it." I exclaimed it was so funny.

"Yep!" Sly giggled while walking off down the hall way. Wow this is just like a bigger version of my tree house but mine had a four-legged entrance. I think I might sleep or at least stay with the pack most of tonight and all that I don't want to leave them alone.

"I'm sorry but will you mind if I stay with my pack? I don't want to leave them alone." I asked them shyly.

"Of course not it's your choice where you sleep we wouldn't care if you slept on the floor in my room or Aleks' room we really don't mind." Seamus said before anyone could respond.

"Thanks." Was all I said before giving Mitch a quick kiss and dissapearing into the forest on Fang. He had rubbed all over the tree so he could find his way back.

I was just chillin by a lake when I heard a twig snap and something groan. Must be a zombie, I turned around and it looked at straight in the eyes.

"Please help me." It said.

"What's your name?" I asked

"My name is Kate please I know how to cure myself but I can't get the supplies please help me or kill me." Kate said

"What do you need?"

After about half an hour I had created an elixir.

"Throw it on me please." Kate instructed gosh this girl was very polite.

I threw it on her there was a flash of light and there stood a tall red haired girl with emerald green eyes. She laughed then ran to me and started to hug me, I hugged back.

"Follow my we need to get you some better clothing." She looked down at her clothing it was just bits and pieces of fabric just balancing on her.

"Alright." She squealed in excitement. I got her up on Prince and I mounted Fang and we were off racing back to the tree.

"How did you understand me?" She asked.

"Easy I was struck by lightning and survived now I can understand every type of animal and even if your a zombie your still a type of animal so yeah." I explained.

"Oh. Ok." She said. Haha don't think she expected that.

I got her inside and treated her wounds and gave her new clothes while she told all of us her story it was pretty straight forward she just got caught out while robbing a chemist when she was bit so she didn't return she ran into the forest. Her life seemed so normal before al, of this they all had different types of achievements but I had no civilised normal ones all mine were about shooting and killing and escaping cops. As usual I didn't open up I just snuck out Mitch noticed and gave me a small smile and I returned it then left. I had taught him well in being observant I believe he is prepared for me to leave if I do well I hope I don't have to leave. Not anymore I want to runaway to run home kill Victoria feed her to the pack then be alone again.

It was easier to be alone then when you only had yourself it's different when you have friends and a boyfriend at that. Hm what will happen I have the cure but I need more of the ingredients. THAT'S IT I know what to do I'm going to save the world with the help of my friends I start smiling and giggling I might be able to join society again if I save the world. Right now I can't be me and just ignore the pleas of everyone around me I must do this for my friends and sadly only that reason is why I'm going to try and save the world.

I returned to the animals and started telling them my plane they listened in very curious about my plan as soon as I told them it they all said they would help no matter what the cost.

"Good it's settled then, I tell the others at dawn be prepared to go there tomorrow ok." Everyone replied with an 'ok' then we all drifted off into a long and dreamless sleep.

At dawn I awoke as usual it just seems to be an internal clock that just yells at me till I wake up or something.

"Come on Fang we have to quickly head back to tell them my plan come come." I said

"FINE!" He groaned

I hopped on his back and we were off. On the way we figured out how I was going to tell all my friends this it definitely was going to be a lot of work with or without help. When we reached the tree I hopped off of Fang and quickly climbed the rope ladder. Once I was on the deck I ran to the door and knocked loudly and firmly.

"Wha oh it's you Lilac." Sly mumbled.

"Gosh you guys are late wakers." Mitch said already dressed like me and the other Team Crafted members.

"Wait you guys look like you're already prepared for the day." Sly mumbled again.

"Yes I taught them well my rules were if you don't get up when I tell you to you miss out on. Breakfast and lunch you will only get dinner." I shoved passed him while he just fell to the floor.

"EVERYONE GET UP!" I screamed. So that everyone could hear me. They all opened their doors and the Team Crafted members were in front of me in an instant.

"Listen up I have the cure for the zombie plague and I need your help are you with me or not?" I asked

"I'm with you." Kate said. After a bit of thought soon enough everyone was in Kevin first then Aleks, James, Jordan and Monica, sly, Steven, dan and lastly nick or spoon.

I spent the whole day telling them what we need how to get it everything I could about this elixir. I taught all of them how to brew it and how to apply it. I had done a couple of excursions with them to show them what the different plants looked like and how to get the right type of lea for stem or flower. After we made about twenty potions we headed off to find zombies and to cure them. Obviously this meant that once again we were travelling all over again. GREAT! But at least this time we had a very good reason why.

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