Chapter 2

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After leaving, I went back to my art studio. What, no. Errrr. Someone ruined my master piece.

Oh wait that was me. Hahahaha. It isn't so funny. Ok, maybe a little bit. I started redoing my master piece. I need a new one before tomorrow. I staid up all night working on it.

///// Morning \\\\\\\

I wake up with a neck crap and realized where I had fallen asleep. right here in my studio. My hands, and face is marked up with paint Then I look at my master piece and see it isn't finished yet. I finish it up and go in the shower washing away all my paint from my face. I get out of the shower and get into my uniform. I was just about to make breakfast when someone knock at the door. I open it up to see a red head with dark red eyes.

"Ruby what are you doing here" I ask.

"Dia. We have a problem." She answer back.

"What is Jade missing?" I said, but not meaning it of course. Jade is the most prepared person. She knows everything and she never, let me repeat myself NEVER gets lost. I wait for a laugh or a change in the face.

"You are dead on."


Later that day all of our friends, who have names of gems (cough cough hint hint).

"How in the world could Jade be missing?!" I complain.

"We went to her house to see if she was there and school and the cooking places and her job. She hasn't be here since well since you called for backup with that element snatchers." someone said. She has green eyes, and black hair.

"Emerald's right." Ruby says.

"Do you think she could have been taken by the them?" another one says. She has blond hair and very dark red eyes.

"Sapphire, I don't like to think that but it could be the truth." I respond. Sapphire Yellow Golden is Rudy's cousin and the youngest of all of us. She was just entering high school.

"Dia, what should we do?" the last on of us, Opal. She has a very wide range of colors in her eye, and has black hair with born white tips. Yes she was born with white tips and black hair.

"We should see if she turns up, but be on alert 24/7. And sleepover at each others houses." I say. I am basically the leader, even though I know everything last.

///// 5 Hours Later \\\\

Rudy and Sapphire was sleeping over at my house. You can't trust Opal and Emerald with Sapphire. They are unpredictable. We have our sleeping bags out on the floor. We were going to make it seem like a sleep over and not that people are after us.

Ring Ring I go to my phone, but realized it was not ringing. I looked at the others. They shock there head. I slowly lifted my watch to my ear. It was the sailor call. I open my watch to see Emerald.

"We have a 199. Get to my location fast." was all she said.

"Diamond Gem Power! Make-up!" I say. The others follow my lead.

"Ruby Gem Power! Make-up!" "Sapphire Gem Power! Make-up!" Soon, we were all in out sailor outfits, and ready for battle.

"Diamond" "Ruby" "Sapphire" "Transport!" We all said at the same time. We were then transported to exact spot Emerald called us, and were following the wreckage

"Emerald Whip Rope." Emerald!

"Sapphire Theatrical Decapitation" Sapphire was taking the lead. I saw those people from before, the famous Sailor Scouts. They use their gifts for fame, and we all hate that. The good thing was they were getting beaten up, pretty bad.

"Hold attacks." I said, and the Gem Scouts held still. I waited. It had to be coming. But when was the question. 10 sec had passed, and I still waited. Then, I saw it. I knew who we were facing, The Element Snatchers. I analyzed the battle, and found the snatcher controlling the monster. Should be help the Scouts, or attack the snatcher?

"Emerald and Opal, go help the scouts with the monster." I said

"Yes, ma'am" They said together snickering. They headed in that direction.

"Sapphire and Ruby, you go after the snatcher." They shock their heads and went off. I looked for high ground, to see what else was going on. When I looked down, I saw my people getting beaten. I didn't know who to help. After a few seconds I decided. I took my earpiece and told Sapphire and Rudy to ditch the snatcher, and come over here and help. They monsters seemed to gather together. I jumped down to help.

"Diamond Plant Splat!" I say. My staff came, and it transformed into a paint brush. When I reached the ground Sapphire and Ruby had just gotten there.

"Diamond Gem Power!" I said. They others followed, and called their powers. We were in a circle. Our power combined in the center, were the monsters were. Doing this we were connected, mentally and physically.

"Are we sure we should be doing this?" asked Rudy. She says inside her mind, that is sent to all of ours.

"We have to, just if Jade was here, we would be stronger." The power was building up in a ball in the center, and I know it was almost about done. The color was magnificent, and beautiful. This was taking to much out of us though, and soon, we would be out of power.

"We.... Need.... To.... Stop" Emerald said. She was drained. Her light on her tiara was flickering.

"We need to stay strong." I said. Then Emerald's light went out. Her power stopped transmitting. She was out, and she un-transformed. The good thing was the power was almost done, that you couldn't see her.

"Can't hold on" Sapphire said, with her light flickering. Shortly after her light was out. Slowly Opal followed . All that was left was me and Rudy.

"Rudy, hold on." I said. I was starting to feel tired, and out of power. My suit was flickering, but I concentrated. I looked over at Rudy, and saw her light was also flickering.

"A bit more." I said. Then, Rudy's light went out. All that was left was me. I tried to stay conscious, but it wasn't working so well. A bit longer. Finally, the power exploded, and the people were healed. The others were stirring, and back in uniform. I looked down, and saw my outfit flickering. Due to the smock, the Sailor Scouts wouldn't be able to see me. I slowly feel to the ground. I felt the ground. I saw the earth go in a blur. I felt the power, taken away. And I knew that the world went black.

_______________________________________________________________________ I know it took me a long time. Well, suck it up. I updated. Anyway what do you think? Will they find Jade? And was Jade taken or is she up to something? Stay tuned. Cause it might be a while. This story line is hard. Comment, and you might get a dedication. This goes to Ever because she told me that I should work on this... a while back.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2016 ⏰

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