Chapter 21 ~ Caught Off-Guard

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We took off after it through the trees, intending to catch him up ahead on the road. We ran for several minutes, keeping the road in sight through the copse of trees. Soon, we caught a break and the truck stopped on the pavement. I glanced over at Daryl and he nodded to me and Rick. Time to get the our stuff back. Jesus was out of the truck, surveying the back to see how much food he'd acquired once he stole it from us.

I scowled as we picked our way quietly through the trees. The man's back was turned to us. That was good - means he hadn't seen us yet. Slowly, he slid the metal door back down with a clang. We were close to the truck now. Rick eased up behind him and suddenly, tackled him, his arms wrapped tightly around Jesus's frame. 

"Hold still and maybe we won't hurt you!" Rick hissed in his ear.

"Sure thing." he mumbled before doing the exact opposite.

He elbowed Rick in the gut before head-banging him in the nose from behind. Grabbing Rick's arm, he whipped around and kicked him in the stomach.

"RICK!" I called out, running over to his side.

Rick waved me off, indicating he was fine as he clutched his stomach. Jesus began to run off then when he was intercepted by Daryl. But he just shoved Daryl into the side of the truck. I let out a cry as he slid down the side. Rick quickly regained his composure though and tackled Jesus to the ground. I ran over and we all held him at gun-point.

"This is done." Rick spat at him.

A moan came from the trees then and we looked up to see a walker limping its way towards us. Jesus lifted up onto his elbows, eyeing us.

"Do you even have any ammo?" he questioned sarcastically.

I arched an eyebrow at him and all three of us shot the walker in the head. It fell down into the grass with a thud and I smirked down at the cocky stranger.

"Does that answer your question?" I shot back and he frowned.

"Okay. You gonna shoot me over a truck?" Jesus asked, his tone holding slight hesitance now after our demonstration.

"There's a lot of food on that truck," Rick countered, gun still aimed at his head, "The keys. Now!"

"I think you know I'm not a bad guy," he stalled, gesturing with his hands.

I scoffed, "And how exactly would we know that? Because you didn't just steal the truck and the food in it from us?"

"Yeah? What do you know about us? Give me the keys," Rick demanded, cocking his gun, "This is the last time I'm asking,"

I hated to admit it but that brave, tough guy attitude Rick possessed just now was quite a turn on. Jesus said nothing to Rick's demand. Five minutes later though, we had his hands and feet tied up, sitting him on the side of the road.

"You're gonna leave me here like this? You're really gonna do that?" Jesus asked in disbelief.

"Eh, the knots aren't that tight. You should be able to get free after we're long gone." Rick shrugged, giving the rope around his ankles one last tug to make sure it was secure.

He grabbed the keys off the pavement then and stood up. Daryl stood to one side, holding the backpack we'd brought with us in his hand.

"Maybe we should talk now," Jesus suggested and I rolled my eyes.

I walked around to the side of the truck and hopped in then but I could still hear their voices from outside.

"Nah. Here," Daryl told him.

I heard the clang of a can hitting the ground and I smirked. That Dixon charm.

"In case you get thirsty." he sneered.

Footsteps came around the side of the vehicle then and I slid to the middle seat as Daryl climbed in. Rick spun the keys around his finger and I chuckled, leaning back into the seat. Daryl pulled out another Coke can from the backpack and handed it to me. I shot him a smile of thanks and popped the lid, slurping up the foam at the top. The carbonated liquid slid down my throat and I hummed in delight. Gazing out at the smudged windshield before me, Rick started up the engine and we sped down the road.

"SO LONG!" Daryl called out the window to Jesus before resting his feet on the dash.

With one hand on the steering wheel to navigate, Rick turned his eyes to me and grinned. I smiled back at him, a warm fuzzy feeling swelling inside me. Today was a good day.

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