Chapter 29 ~ Captured by Scar-Face

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She cussed at dad and stomped over to us. Just then, I noticed Glenn...and Michonne behind her. I rolled my eyes, re-adjusting the gun in my hand as they walked over to us as well.

"You shouldn't have come!" Daryl snarled at Rosita, snatching his arrow from her hand roughly.

I smirked. Man, I loved my dad. He had the best manners.

"You two shouldn't have left!" Michonne countered, shooting a glance my way as dad walked off through the woods.

I followed after him, ignoring Michonne but sending Glenn a small smile. Dad stopped then and turned to face the group of them.

"When I split off from Sasha and Abraham, he was out there in the woods, in that burned-out forest with them girls, put a gun to my head! Tied me up! I even tried to help him," he told us bitterly and I arched an eyebrow.

"Why didn't you say that before?" I asked, feeling slightly hurt.

He shot me an apologetic smile and I nodded to him, accepting the unsaid apology. He began to walk off again when Glenn spoke finally.

"So, you think it's your fault?" he asked him, stepping closer.

"Yeah, I know it is. I'm gonna go do what I should've done before," he shot back gruffly, turning away again.

"What, for her?" Glenn asked, making dad stop in his tracks, "She's gone, man. You're doing this for you...and Angel,"

I looked down at my boots, swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat.

"Man, I don't care." Daryl grumbled, walking off again farther into the woods.

"Daryl!" Glenn called after him, stepping up to block his way, "We need to get back there and figure this out from home. Our home. We need you, and everyone back there needs us right now. It's-- it's gonna go wrong out here,"

Glenn's words sunk into us all and I knew, deep down...he was right. As he always was.

"We'll square it," Michonne agreed, coming to stand beside me, "I will. I promise you. Just come back,"

Daryl looked at us all a moment but I could see the anguish in those clear blue eyes. And I knew his decision before the words left his mouth, "I can't."

"Daryl-"Glenn started but he cut him off.

"Man, I can't!" he spat at him, stalking off.

I let out a sigh, holding my face in my hands briefly. One hand moved to rest on my stomach and I shook my head, glancing behind me at all of them.

"I can't either..." I said softly before following after dad.

Daryl and I went on like that for a while, neither of us saying anything. Although I did notice that Rosita had apparently decided to tag along because I kept hearing her footsteps behind me. Finally, we came upon their campsite and slowly, we made our way towards it. Carefully picking our way through, I tried to hide but it was a bit hard with my huge stomach in the way. Once we got closer, I saw Glenn and Michonne tied up against trees. My eyes widened and I motioned to dad.

He noticed too and put his finger up to his lips so they would keep quiet as their eyes found us. Glenn grunted to us, although his mouth was gagged with a cloth. Dad handed me the crossbow to take the shot and I smiled up at him, taking it from his hands. I lined it up perfectly, ready to take the shot when a voice interrupted us.

"Hi, Daryl." someone said behind us and we spun around, the crossbow going slack in my hands.

Standing before us with a gun pointed at our heads was a man. With his long blond hair and scar-burned face, I knew at once who it had to be. Dwight. Other men came up to us then, all aiming guns at us. I put my hands up in surrender and my eyes met those of Denise's murderer. Suddenly, a bullet launched from the chamber and a blood-curdling scream ripped from my throat as hit its mark.

Daryl went down with a groan, blood splattering everywhere. And then just as quickly as he fell, I felt a sharp blow to the back of my head and my world went black.

𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐎𝐌 ➳ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now