Chapter Five

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~3rd Person~

Aphmau knocked on Rosy's door. "Rosy! Do you have a towel I can borrow?" She asks. Aphmau  here's a faint voice. Thinking it was a "Come in", Aphmau quietly opens the door. "Thanks So-" She starts, but stops when she see's Rosy typing away on her laptop with her headphone's on, nodding her head and tapping her foot. Aphmau tilts her head in confusion. Rosy continues to quietly sing.

"Take a moment to think of just

Flexibility, love, and trust

Take a moment to think of just

Flexibility, love, and trust

Here comes a thought that might alarm you

What someone said and how it harmed you

Something you did that failed to be charming

Things that you said are suddenly swarming

And, oh, you're losing sight, you're losing touch

All these little things seem to matter so much

That they confuse you

That I might lose you

Take a moment, remind yourself

To take a moment and find yourself

Take a moment and ask yourself

If this is how we fall apart

But it's not, but it's not, but it's not, but it's not, but it's not

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay

You've got nothing, got nothing, got nothing, got nothing to fear

I'm here, I'm here, I'm here

Here comes a thought that might alarm me

What someone said and how it harmed me

Something I did that failed to be charming

Things that I said are suddenly swarming

And, oh, I'm losing sight, I'm losing touch

All these little things seem to matter so much

That they confuse me

That I might lose me

Take a moment, remind yourself

To take a moment and find yourself

Take a moment and ask yourself

If this is how we fall apart

But it's not, but it's not, but it's not, but it's not, but it's not

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay

I've got nothing, got nothing, got nothing, got nothing to fear

I'm here, I'm here, I'm here

And it was just a thought, just a thought, just a thought, just a thought, just a thought

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay

We can watch, we can watch, we can watch, we can watch them go by

From here, from here, from here

Take a moment to think of just

Flexibility, love, and trust

Take a moment to think of just

Flexibility, love, and trust."

Rosy stops singing and takes off her headphones. With a content sigh, she gets up and turns around. She screams when she see's Aphmau gawking. "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN STANDING  THERE!" Rosy yells. Aphmau, ignoring the question, says "Why didn't you tell us you could sing!". Rosy blushes and looks away. "It's just a hobby. Nothing special." Rosy replies. "Nothing special? NOTHING SPECIAL!? Rosy, that was...AMAZING! You should think of getting a job around music!" Aphmau says. "Aphmau...". "Even better, something that involves singing!-". "Aph...". "We could go even bigger! Lets-". "JESSICA!" Rosy screams, using Aphmau's real name. Aphmau stops and looks at her, eyes wide. "You don't use my real name unless its a serious no..." She says. Rosy sighs. "I'm just getting used to talking to people, singing in front of them is something COMPLETELY different. Look, can you please not tell anyone? I don't want people to know...ESPECIALLY the guys. Irene knows what they would do..." Rosy says. Aphmau nods and smiles. "Of course. I understand. Now, you can continue doing what you doing, I just need a towel." Aphmau says.  Rosy nods and sits back at her desk, typing away.

I'm Losing My Light (Zane x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now