Chapter Sixteen

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Kawaii~Chan sat on the guys couch, hysterical crying. Dante, who came out of his room hearing the cries, rushes into the living room. He looks over too Travis, who was sitting on the opposite couch. "Travis! What did you do too her?" He says. "I didn't do anything! Why is it automatically my fault!?" Travis says. "I saw you heading towards the ladies house! I should of know better than too-" Dante stops mid sentence as he looks out the door. "What happened to there house!?" He yells. "....Fire...lots and lots of fire." Travis responds, shuddering at the memory. "HOW!?" Dante continues to yell. "I dropped my mix tape." Travis says, chuckling to himself. "Dope, but seriously what happened!" Dante says, lowering his voice. Kawaii~Chan wipes her tears. "K-Kawaii~Chan left the cookies in the oven, a-and then the fire went everywhere!" She cries. "Thankfully the kitchen was the only thing seriously damaged. The rest of the house can be fixed with a little paint and Kawaii~Chan can be fixed with a little TLC. Which in this case, it stands for Travis Love and Care." Travis says, smirking to himself. Dante sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Travis..." He starts. He then bursts out laughing. "This is why I'm your friend. I'm going to have to remember that one!" He says. "I got a million of them." Travis says. "Anyway, Kawaii~Chan if you need any help fixing the house, I would be happy the help. So would the rest of us." Dante says, patting K.C's shoulder. Kawaii~Chan sniffs. "Thanks Dante~Kun, but this is Kawaii~Chan's fault and Kawaii~Chan wants to fix it herself.  Every time Kawaii~Chan makes a mistake, it seems like somebody else is there to clean up her mess. This is Kawaii~Chan's chance to show Katelyn~Sama that she is responsible." K.C says. "Where are the rest anyway?" Dante asks. "Well, Katelyn~Sama went to Nicole's house, Aphmau~Senpai went to Aaron's house, and Rosy~Senpai went to Zane's house. Katelyn~Sama is really mad at Kawaii~Chan, and the others are probably-" Dante cuts her off. "They wouldn't hold it against you, you know that. I'm sure you didn't mean to burn down the house. My question now is, how are you going to pay for it all?" He says. "Kawaii~Chan will just have to get another job....wait, that's it! Kawaii~Chan just has to get another job! Why didn't she think of it sooner! There's a new maid cafe that opened up in the city, this is perfect!" Kawaii~Chan says, standing up and walking towards the door. "Wait! Where are you going?" Dante says, tilting his head to the side. "Kawaii~Chan is going to need help, and she knows the perfect people to ask!" She says, running out the door with a giggle. "Enlighten me, Dante. What's a maid cafe?" Travis asks, getting up. "I don't know. We should try looking it up." Dante suggests. The two make there way too Dante's room and open his laptop, which was already opened to the Internet from before. They type in "Maid Cafe" and wait. There eyes go wide at what they see. "Why didn't I know about this sooner!?" Dante says in excitement. "All this time, I could of been around cute girls!?" Travis yells.

~Perspective Change~

Aaron, Aphmau, Zane, Rosy and Hope all sat in the dining room in Aaron's house. Rosy had convinced Zane to try and be more social by dragging him by force to Aaron's house. He sat next to Rosy, glaring at her while Rosy smiled innocently back. "Are you sure? I mean, I wouldn't mind if-" Aphmau continues to say to Aaron, but gets cut off by the doorbell. "Hold that thought, it might be about the house." She says and walks towards the door. Hearing about the house, Rosy jumps up and joins Aphmau. "Rosy, wait!" Zane scream whispers. Rosy turns to face him. "You stay and try to start a conversation! It doesn't have to be with Aaron, Hope's in the other room. And trust me, she's got a lot to say." Rosy whispers to him. Hope sneezes from the other room. "WHO'S TALKING ABOUT ME?" She yells. Aphmau opens the door. "Aphmau~Senpai!" Kawaii~Chan cheers. "Kawaii~Chan? Are you okay?" Aphmau says. Rosy comes up from behind Aphmau and stands next to her. "Kawaii~Chan is perfectly fine! She needs Aphmau~Senpai and Rosy~Senpai's help!" K.C says. "Uh, sure! What is it?" Rosy asks. K.C takes in a deep breath. "There's a new maid cafe that opened up a few weeks ago in the city and Kawaii~Chan has always wanted to work at one and it's SO hard to get a job there because everybody wants one and she hasn't got any luck getting the job because nobody takes Kawaii~Chan seriously at her current job. Kawaii~Chan was thinking maybe if she had people who could be taken seriously with her that she might get the job. So please please please come with me to help get this job!!" K.C says and breaths out. Aphmau and Rosy stare at her in silence with wide eyes. " want us to come with you because you think they won't take you seriously?" Aphmau questions. "I can see why they think that." Rosy mumbles to herself with a chuckle. Aphmau hits her arm lightly with a smile on her face. "PLEASE! Kawaii~Chan plans to use the extra money she makes to repair the house! Pretty please!" K.C begs. The two girls look at each other. "Hey Aaron, do you mind if we pick up our conversation later?" Aphmau calls to him. "No problem." He replies back. "Wait, we're seriously doing this!?" Rosy says, shocked. "Well, yeah! Friends help each other in need. It's the right thing too do." Aphmau says. "Alright Kawaii~Chan, I'm here to help you." She continues, turning to K.C. Kawaii~Chan cheers. Both girls look at Rosy. Rosy sighs. "Fine. I'll help." She says after a moment of silence. "Zane, I'll be back later. You can go home if you want." Rosy calls to him. "What? Why? Where are you doing?" He questions. "NOWHERE! ..I mean...isn't there a new episode of My Little Horsey on?" Rosy responds. His baby blue eyes go wide. "YOU'RE RIGHT! I mean, psh, whaaatttt? I don't watch such childish shows. On an unrelated note, I need to go iron my cat." Zane says and runs out the door. K.C giggles. "C'mon, let's go! Kawaii~Chan will explain everything you need to know on the way!" She says. "HA! You guys have to go to a maid cafe. Sucks to be you." Hope says, walking past Rosy and Aphmau. Aphmau shakes her head and follows K.C. Rosy rolls her eyes and grabs Hope's hand, dragging her with them. "HEY! MY PHONE'S IN THERE! I DON'T WANNA MISS A CALL FROM 707!" Hope screams as shes dragged away.

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