Chapter Nine

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Kawaii~Chan's face goes pale as she stares at the scene before her. "This can't be happening!" She shrieks.

"Kawaii~Chan! Kawaii~Chan, wake up!" Rosy says while looking down at K.C. "Huh? What happened?" She asks, looking up at everybody. "You just suddenly collapsed after screaming 'No'." Aphmau explains. "We were worried about you!" Rosy says. "Kawaii~Chan is fine. So wait, this was all just in my head? Reese~Senpai isn't really kissing-!" K.C turns to see Michi kissing Reese. "Oh noooo!"

"Kawaii~Chan? KAWAII~CHAN!" Katelyn shouts and snaps her fingers. "What the-?" "Snap out of it! What's wrong?" Katelyn asked. " that was just a dream in a dream? Is this real life?" K.C asks herself. Katelyn punches her arm. "Heh, this is real." She snickers. "Ouch! Does that mean Reese~Senpai hasn't- oh noo!!" K.C looks over to see the two kissing. Reese pulls away and Michi smiles at him. "Kawaii~Chan doesn't like Michi~Chan!" K.C says, starting to cry. Rosy comes down the stairs, the dog no where in sight. "What happened? Why is everyone gathered here?" She asks. "Just hosting the party." Katelyn says casually. "Oh, good! Well Katelyn, I'm so glad you finally came around!" Rosy says, a smile tugging at her lips. "WHAT, IT'S NOT LIKE THAT-" "Thank you so much for changing your mind." Rosy continues teasing Katelyn. "Nope, I'm going to my room." Katelyn says and walks up the stairs. There's a moment of silence. "MY ROOM! IT'S LOCKED!?" Is heard from up the stairs. Rosy laughs quietly to herself. "Now she has to stay down here." Aphmau says and high-fives Rosy. "Why is K.C on the floor crying?" Rosy says and steps closer to her. K.C continues to cry into the carpet. "Waahh! Reese~Senpai!!" She cries. "Hm...that actually seems normal. You should probably go sit on the couch, so it's a little more comfortable for your sobbing." Rosy says. Aphmau helps K.C up and turns around. Her eyes widen when she see's the orange haired girl. "Ah, Cadenza! You made it to the-" She stops when she faces the door. She gasps. "OUR DOOR!" Aph says and points at the doorway. "It just...broke suddenly!" Cadenza says, sneakily pushing pieces of the door under the carpet. "I know what you mean, that happens to me a lot." Garroth says. Dante, who was walking by, stops and glares at him. "I still hate you." He says and walks away. "Stick and stones Dante. I'm stronger than that." Garroth says, rolling his eyes. Cadenza peeks over Aphmau and looks at Rosy. Rosy adverts her eyes and leans on her leg. "And who is this, Aphmau! She's adorable!" Cadenza says, pushing past Aph. Rosy blushes in embarrassment but regains herself. "I'm Rosy, it's wonderful to meet you!" She says with a smile. Cadenza smiles. "This is the Rosy I've heard so much about! The pleasure is mine." She says, smiling back. Cadenza hands her a box. "I brought dessert! It's cupcake's with extra sprinkles!". Garroth burst out crying. "CUPCAKE! SPRINKLES!" He cries while sitting on the floor. "That's wonderful! We could use more sweets! Go set them on the kitchen counter, I'm sure they'll be safe there." Aphmau says. Cadenza nods and heads into the kitchen. "My babies..." Garroth mumbles to himself, hugging the carpet. "Garroth?" Rosy takes a few steps to Garroth. "They were so beautiful..." he cries. Laurence looks down on him and shakes his head. "Is Garroth okay?" Rosy asks him. "He's fine. He's just upset over losing these cats he found." He says. Rosy and Aphmau look at each other, both going pale. "oh...Oh, OH! R-really? You don't say..." Rosy says, nervously. "Yeah, Garroth says he was never allowed to have pets, so he was really excited when he found two kittens at the door. He said it was like something out of a movie, two cats get left at his door and he answers. He said it was magical." Laurence explains. Rosy laughs through gritted teeth. "Yeah. On top of that, one cat was purple and the other was mint green! You two would of LOVED the cats. Purple, black and white with spots along with a mint green with a white spot on its face! Super unique, like nothing you've ever seen before." He continues. "That sounds like product of a dumb magic cat named RANDY." Rosy spits out. Aphmau hits her arm. "Are you okay? That was random..." Laurence asks. "AHAHAH...she's fine just...upset over the...door breaking, yeah!" Aphmau says nervously laughing. "Oh, Okay. I'm going to go ahead and start to mingle. Garroth here looks like he's going to be in a funk for a while and you can only console him so much. Just give him his space and he'll come around." Laurence says and walks away. Rosy and Aphmau walk to the doorway. "No way were telling him we were cats!" Aphmau whispers. "Agreed. My fur just felt so soft and the flea shampoo smelt so bad...Ugh. It was so awkward." Rosy says, shivering at the thought. "We just need to talk to Garroth and not think about what happened." Aphmau says. Rosy nods. The two girls turn around and see Garroth crawling into the other room. "Cupcake, Sprinkles, where are you? I loved petting you..." He says as he crawls. The two girls look at each other. "...I'm not talking to him." "Thank god, I wasn't going to after THAT.". Aphmau runs into the living room to stop Hope from jumping off the stairs and Rosy walks into the garage. "I guess I'll fix the door..." Rosy says with a sigh. Rosy opens a cabinet door to find a spare door. "Hey Rosy, what are you doing? I thought you were going to come to the party?" A voice says from behind her. Rosy turns around to see Laurence standing in the doorway. "I obviously have to fix the door since KATELYN AND KAWAII~CHAN WON'T HELP." Rosy says, making sure the two girls hear her. "Ah, let me help then." Laurence says walking towards Rosy. "Oh, Thank you!" Rosy says, blushing slightly. Laurence picks up a hammer. "Hammer time!" He says with a stupid grin. Rosy laughs. "" She says and shakes her head. The two start to walk out of the garage. "So tell me Laurence, why did you two do that to Katelyn's poster anyway?" Rosy asks, tilting her head. "What, the Zane thing? Eh, well...we had made stickers because we were planning to put them on the faces of his reindeer." He says with a laugh. "What? Zane has Reindeer? Why would you do that!" Rosy says and turns to face him. "No real reindeer, silly. He has a Santa display on his yard." He says, laughing slightly. "Oh, I see. But why would you do something like that to Zane? He can't be that bad." Rosy says, defending Zane. "Well, he attacked us with snowballs...thanks to you..." He starts. "He also gave us a low score because of what Garroth said. There's some other mischief he's caused to us as well, so this is payback." He finishes. "Well...don't you think maybe he's just misunderstood? I truly believe he could be a softy on the inside." She says, smiling a little. "You think...he's nice?" He says, baffled. "Well, yeah. He might just need someone to talk to, someone who understands what he's going through." She says. "Heh well...I don't think that would change him. That guy wouldn't open up to anyone about anything." He says. Laurence puts the door down on it's hinges and Rosy paints it red. "Finished!" She exclaims. "Awesome! I wanted to apologize to you about what we did to Katelyn's poster. I hope you don't get in trouble." He says. "Hey, I'm not taking the blame for this. When she finds out, I'm telling her just what you guys did." Rosy says, crossing her arms. Laurence backs up and shakes his head furiously.  "Not fair! We took Zane's wrath at the snowball fight for you!" He argues. "I tried telling him about what I did but...he didn't want to listen. So it is fair." She says. Laurence scratches the back of his neck. "Right...I remember that.." He says. "Maybe he had some built up rage from his childhood." Rosy guesses. "Something like that. Now, I'm going to head to the dining room. You should follow me!" He says and walks away. Rosy checks the door and turns around. "Rosy! WAIT!" Garroth runs into the room. "Hm? Is everything okay?" She asks, tilting her head. "Come here! I need to tell you something!" He says. Rosy walks closer to him. "Well you came to me....but what's wrong?" She asks. "W-well....I..." He gets cut off by the doorbell. "Hold on a second Garroth. CAN ONE OF YOU GIRLS GET THAT?" Rosy shouts. Nobody answers so she opens the door. A man with black jeans and an opened red hoodie with no shirt on stands there, his hood covering his eyes. Rosy tilts her head in confusion. She squints her eye's a gasps. "Aaron? Is that you?" She asks. "Long time no see Rosy." He says with a small smile. "I'm so glad you made it! Aphmau will be glad to know you're here. Thank you for coming" Rosy says with a smile. "No problem, thanks for inviting." He says. Aphamu peaks her head around the corner. "Aaron! You came! I honestly didn't think you were gonna come!" She says and walks up to the door. "Well, you did invite me." He says. Aphmau blushes and steps aside. "Better late then never, make yourself at home!" She says, fully opening the door. He walks in and turns to Rosy. They stare at each other, him towering over her. He smiles and ruffles her hair, giving her a small hug. "It's been a while, Aaron. Hope you enjoy the party." She says with a small laugh. He lets go and walks into the living room. Rosy nudges Aphmau. "Your future boyfriend just arrived." She says. Aphmau laughs and rolls her eyes, walking into the living room. "Sorry about that Garroth. Now, where exactly were we?" Rosy says, turning back to Garroth. "WE were just about to go to the dining room." Laurence butts in. "Oh, I'm sorry! I'm just a little out of it." Rosy says. "Right this way, m'lady." Laurence says and walks into the kitchen. Rosy starts to follow. "OH NO!" Garroth speeds past them and grabs the mistletoe hanging over the door. Rosy gasps. "My grandma's mistletoe!" Aphmau shouts. Laurence chases Garroth around the house. "GARROTH!" "Your grandmamas? NO! I WON'T LET YOU HAVE YOUR WAY LARUENCE!" "PUT THAT BACK I ALMOST HAD HER FAIR AND SQUARE!" "NO WAY, NOT A CHANCE." "GARROTH, GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" "SPRINKLES AND CUPCAKE WOULD BE VERY DISAPPOINTED IN YOU!" "STOP BRINGING THEM INTO THIS!" "IF YOU DON'T PUT IT BACK I WILL TELL EVERYONE ABOUT THE TEDDY BEAR YOU SLEEP WITH!" "NO, RUFFLES!" "I WILL!" "DO IT AND I WILL TELL EVERYONE ABOUT YOUR BROWSER HISTORY!" "YOU WOULDN'T!" "OH ROSY~" "DON'T YOU DARE TELL HER ABOUT THE FANFICTIONS!". Aaron punches them both in the face, making them fall to the ground. "HE NEEDS SOME MILK!" Hope shouts from the top of the stairs. Aaron stands next to Aphmau, putting back the mistletoe. "Thank you Aaron, I really appreciate it." She says. "Not a problem." He replies with a smile. They stare at each other for a minute. "C'mon...Kiss..." Rosy whispers to herself. Aphmau giggles. "Well, enjoy the party!" She says, ruining the moment. Aaron nods and walks away. Rosy steps over to two boys and sighs. She stands next to Aphmau. "Guys, what was that all about!" Rosy says, furious. "I-I-IT'S JUST LAURENCE WAS BEING-!" Garroth starts. Aphmau sighs. "That was really immature of you two." She says. "Sorry..." "...S-S-Sorry..." They both say. The two girls look at each other. "It's okay. Why don't you guys just go cool down." Aphmau says. The two guys nod and walk away. Aphmau goes to the kitchen to get a drink of water. "I'll check on the guests to see if there okay after the rowdiness-What are you doing up there?" Rosy starts but stops when she see's Hope and McCloud standing on top of the television. "I'M KING OF THE PARTY! Now why aren't the other lasses up 'ere wit me?" McCloud says. "C'MON, DON'T BE A BUZZ KILL! Lets try this again people, EVERYBODY DO THE FLOP!" Hope shouts. "MCCLOUD! THIS IS WHY WE NEVER GET INVITED TO PARTIES!" Marsh shouts, trying to get his friend down. Rosy stares blankly at the scene and turns to the couch. "Cadenza...hold me." Brendan says to Cadenza. Rosy gasps. " Don't make me hurt you." She replies. "Aw, I thought something was going on!" Rosy wines. "K-Kawaii~Chan will never find love again..." K.C says and wipes more tears. Rosy sighs and turns around. "My goodness...Aaron? Are you okay?" Rosy asks, seeing him stand in the corner. "Yeah, I'm just glad you weren't hurt in that." He says. Rosy smiles at him. "Thank you, again." She says. Rosy walks past the window into the kitchen. She stops when she see's someone staring at McCloud. " cheating double crosser!" The girl, who Rosy guessed must be Krystal, says. "I'm gonna leave that alone..." Rosy says and walks into the kitchen. "Look, I'm not serious about the that ship stuff. It's just fun to yell at people." Nicole says to Katelyn. "I don't care. I just want to break down the door to my room and disappear." Katelyn responds. "I'm not going to ask but- WHOAH (Hope: Technology!). What is going on here?" Rosy says to herself. Michi has her arm around Reese's shoulder. "Sugar is quite complicated when you think about it, it all started long ago..." Reese starts. "UGH! Would you shut up about stupid candy!? You just keep talking about sweets! Now steal these cookies!" Michi yells at him. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that..." Rosy trails off. She looks up to see Garroth. "I really am sorry." He says. "I'm not the on you should be apologizing to. But, it's okay. I guess this was just payback for calling your grandma's reef tacky." She says. "Heh well...I am sorry." He says, looking down. "Again, it's fine. Just forget it." Rosy says, smiling. "Heh, you know...I wasn't expecting Aaron to show up...I thought everyone was already here..." He says. "Honestly? I wasn't expecting him to show up. Aphmau invited him over personally when she was walking Celestia. It was the one time I don't go that she see's him. I haven't seen him since High School. I used to walk with him." Rosy says, smiling at the memory. "You walked with him!?" Garroth says. Rosy nods her head. "Celestia really likes him!" Rosy adds. "The dog...THAT'S IT!" Garroth shouts, jumping. "What's it?" Rosy says, narrowing her eyes. "OH NOTHING! I JUST...GOTTA GO PEE!" He shouts and leaves the room.

~Garroth's POV~

I see Laurence come out of the bathroom. "Psst, Laurence!  Come here!" I whisper to him. "No, I'm still mad at you for ruining my chances with her." He says, crossing his arms. "Just trust me!" I plead. Laurence sighs. "What do you want?" He asks. "The dog. The girls take Celestia for walks in the morning. Aphmau saw Aaron this morning, what if Rosy is there next time? The dog likes him!" I explain. "So...?" "If we get the dog, we can go under the mistletoe and get Rosy to come to us!" I conclude. "That's...A brilliant idea! I'm glad I thought of it." Laurence says. "Yeah! Wait, WHAT!?" "Shouldn't of told me you dummy!" Laurence says and runs away. "OH SHOOT! LARUENCE, THAT DOG IS MINE!"

~Normal POV~

Dante sits on the floor in Rosy's room, baby talking Celestia who is on the bed. "DANTE!" The two boys shout. "What are you two doing in Rosy's room?" Dante says, startled. "We can ask yo the same thing!" Laurence says. "I just wanted to hold this adorable puppy because she's so adorable!" Dante says, continuing to baby talk Celestia. "You liar! You just want to hold that puppy under the mistletoe so you can get Rosy or Aphmau to come to you, and kiss you!" Garroth argues. "Wow...That's a great idea!" Dante says. "Right? I thought of it." Laurence says, taking credit. "WHAT!" "Good job, Laurence! I never would've thought of that!" Dante says. "ARE YOU GUYS SERIOUS!?". "Now that I know this don't mind me if I borrow this adorable puppy wuppy~" Dante coo's. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THAT PUPPY WUPPY!" Laurence shouts. Garroth holds out a cookie. "Come here girl, you want a cookie?" Celestia starts to cry. "Here girl, you want money? To buy chicken~" Dante says. "Celestia, I'll give you chicken. Plus whatever else you want~" Laurence coo's. Celesita looks at all the guys and runs  out of the room. "GET THAT DOG!" Dante shouts. Celestia runs down the stairs. The guys chase after her, but trip over the last step. They fall to the bottom. "I think I broke something..." "I see cats running around above my head...". Rosy stops her conversation with Aaron. "Celestia! Are you alright girl? You poor puppy!" Rosy says, picking her up and petting her. "You almost got caught in the trip down the stairs! That almost was a tromatic experience for you and I bet your still living the reprecussions over almost being trampled on just now- aw my poor puppy wuppy!" Aphmau says, hugging Celestia. "Well, this is an interesting turn of events." Katelyn says, looking up at the mistletoe and down at the guys on the floor. "Oh no..." Dante says. Nicole and Cadenza start to laugh. "At least it's not Rosy or Aphmau with any of them!" Nicole says. "Come on guys~" Katelyn teases. "NO WAY, NOT A CHANCE. I'M NOT DOING IT." Garroth shouts. "I'LL KISS A DOGS BUTT!" Laurence shouts. "NOPE, NOPE. I'LL GO KISS KATELYNS POSTER BEFORE I KISS THEM!" Dante shouts. His eyes go wide as Katelyn leaps across the table. "AHHHHHH!!!!!" Outside, Zane looks down at the invitation at hand and up at the house. He shakes his head and walks away.

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