My day today

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2 weeks later ........

So I found out that I wasn't dietetic

So that's the great new but the others bad news is that..... I have heart conditions.! 😱 (Shocker!)

That's means I got every month to get blood drawn , to make sure I'm ok.

"Momma , what if I'm not here for my son?"

"That's why you have godparents."

"But ."

I walked upstairs all depressed .

I held my baby in my hands and said

"I will always love you no matter what happens."


2 :49 in the morning .

I woke up and went down stairs to feed Laden , after that I put him to sleep again.

But then he woke up again and wanted me , so I held him in my arms for a good 4 hrs.

I walked over and put him back in his crib.

And guess who called

"What do you want ?!?"

"My son !."

"Well your turn is tomorrow , so get over it , and also what time you want him ?."

"Umm every weekends at 7:00."

"Ok , then , oh yea why tell me this at 6 in the morning ."

"Because I can."

"We'll stop it , because if your son wakes up your responsible ."

Err errr err

He hung up the phone thank The Lord .

I walked over to my window to find 2 cars , in my driveway

.A light blue mini van.


.A black Saturn .

I didn't know why they were there ,

Wait !, omg DRIVING TEST is today .!

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