01) Face-time

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   It was a hot day in Texas. Hotter than yesterday and the day before. The sun was beaming threw my curtains blinding me as I drew. But I was to lazy to do anything about them. My twin was downstairs playing video games as I sat in our room sketching in my book.

    In my sketch book I had sketched this black, tattered Marine hat. Its my older brothers hat but it was a cool hat. But wearing the hat was his marine dog Max. He was the cutest. I've always wanted to meet him.

   My twin Justin and I shared a room. So whenever his friend Chuy came over or better known as my personal stalker I had to hide some of my stuff.

   "Jenna come downstairs please" I groaned putting my sketch book down and ran downstairs almost tripping over a pile of clothes.

   As I got downstairs my Mom was talking to my older brother Kyle as my Dad was working on the sink or something. "Kyle" I practically screamed jumping onto my Mom's lap. Kyle is my favorite brother but don't tell my twin Justin. He gets super moody.

  "Jenna how's my favorite sister" I rolled my eyes as my Mom shoved me off her lap and onto the floor. They laughed as I grabbed a chair and placed it next to hers rubbing my tail bone.

  "I'm your only sister" I groaned as he laughed. Then I saw my favorite dog in the entire world. "Max awww look how big he is" Kyle moved the screen and told him to say hi. Max barked and then he was gone from the screen. I frowned as he disappeared but smiled again which soon disappeared again as my twin decided to ruin the moment.

   "Yeah Kyle's so awesome his freakin dogs a hero" and that my friends is my twin Justin. He sat on the couch playing video games as my Mom scolded him for saying freakin.

"You can't hide your words from the face of God" she said making me laugh.

  "And you wonder why Kyle's my favorite brother" everyone laughed especially Kyle.

  "What was that Jenna" I rolled my eyes as Justin stared at the tv.

   "Hey cut it out" my Dad yelled at Justin as he kept his eyes on the tv screen.

   I watched as Kyle's friend Tyler came up on the screen. That's when I left and jumped on the couch next to my twin punching him on the shoulder. If you can't tell i don't really like Tyler. He's not very friendly when it comes to my twin and I.

  "Well hi" Mom said as my Dad said "Hi Tyler" they practically think of Tyler as their second son. I kinda feel bad for Justin. But then again all he does is sit on a couch all day. But he's still my favorite twin. Kyle's still my favorite brother though. Tehehe.

   Justin threw his controller down and put me in a head lock and started ruffling my hair. I screamed as we both fell on the ground and started wrestling. "Cut it out you two" are Dad said making us stop and sit on the couch. Put we sat there pinching and poking each other. Then he finally had enough of me and shoved me off the couch.

   "Let God sort them out" Justin said as he went back to his game. Mom yelled at him and I walked back over to the computer fixing my hair.

   "Hey Mom I gotta go love you" he said blowing her a kiss. "Love you two Jenna stay outta trouble" then he blew me a kiss. I pretended to catch it and put it in my pocket. He laughed and I waved at him sadly. Max even barked a little.

   "Justin come say good-bye to your brother" Justin kept his eyes glued to the tv. "Justin" she folded but he didn't answer.

  "Hey Mom leave him be" then he said something about how Justin was saving the universe and he was only saving the USA. Something like that. We said our last good-bye's then the call ended.

  Mom left the computer on the table as she went to go fix dinner. I sat there staring at it as if something was gonna happen. As if Kyle would suddenly call again. But he didn't.

    He usually called maybe once or twice a week. Sometimes he would just call me and I would tell him everything that was going on. Mostly Justin's moody moments but it was somethin.

    Justin finally after awhile got bored and went outside slamming the door behind him. He probably was off to hang out with Chuy. Apparently one of Chuy's cousins was coming to live with him or something.

  You see all I ever want is for my older brother to come home. He's missed three years of my life. I've been through two boyfriends and I eventually told him about them. But by the time he called again I had already dumped them. He's missed two birthdays. The birthday before that he told us he was leaving and then two weeks later I was sat on his bed wondering when he would come back.

   There's nothing I want more in my life than for my brother to come home. Safe...and...Sound.

    But what I didn't know was that our lives were about to change. For better? Or for worse?


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