Chapter 4

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"So Jackson, get a good rest, a nice breakfast, I'll let you stock up on weapons and you can use your powers, alright? Like I said, I don't want you dead. Meet you at noon, outside of the store. So, good night" Athena said.

With that cheerful thought, she vanished in a flash of light. Everyone was staring at me with a mix of pity, horror and fear. Pity cause I have to kill Ladon, horror cause I'm most likely gonna get ripped to bits, and fear because Athena thinks I can do it. I myself was glaring at the place where Athena had just disappeared. Why couldn't she tell me this after I woke up? Nooo, its 'Hey, go kill the strongest monster to ever live, undefeated, and get a good sleep!' How am I supposed to sleep after that?

Suddenly, all the Amazons began crying and sobbing, while I looked on in shock. Then I heard snippets, like, "Percy's gonna die!" or "How can Athena be that mean?"

"QUIET!" Reyna and Hylla bellowed together.

Everyone instantly shut up and looked at the two, even though they were still wiping their cheeks.

"Look, while I must admit that the chances of surviving an encounter with Ladon is slim, there's a chance. He's not the greatest hero to ever walk this Earth for no reason." Hylla said.

Reyna nodded. "His skills are unmatched, and he's a Son of Poseidon, and it's kinda close to the sea there, so he could call on its power if he must."

"So, let us put those three in our executive rooms, and we shall help Percy with his equipment, supplies, everything and send him off with our best wishes." Hylla announced.

The Amazons gave a cheer again, and picked all three of us up, and carried us to a huge room that had three doors in it.

"The rooms are identical, just super comfy, ultra quiet, with all the amenities you could ever wish for. We'll wake you at around eight ok Percy?"

"Yeah, thanks a lot Hylla, and you, Reyna." I said, still in a slight shock that I had to find some way to kill Ladon.

They gave a nod, and turned to walk out, but before they could leave, Kinzie whirled around and asked me, "Are you sure you don't want a massage? I mean, you'd probably be all tense right?"

"Kinzie, not now, he's not in the mood" Hylla said, grabbing Kinzie's arm and pulling her out.

I took a shower and crashed onto bed, surprisingly, I fell asleep quickly. And I had one of the weirdest dreams ever.

I was walking among the stars, staring at the universe I had created, thinking on just how bad some planets were, and how good some others. He turned his attention to Earth, the first planet he had created and started with life. Now that planet intrigued him. Not the fight between the gods and the titans, not the mortals, who were destroying the planet they were living. No, what intrigued him was a demigod called Perseus Jackson. He had defeated the titans, the giants, and defied Gaea and all he asked for his reward was an extra sword and two thrones for two gods. He felt a deep amount of respect for him, and sincerely wished that he could recruit him and ask him to be his successor. He was powerful, and extremely skilled, even though his upcoming fight with Ladon would prove to be his hardest. He was pondering on whether to enter his dream when Zoe Nightshade, a recently made constellation, came up to him and begged him to allow him to enter the young demigods dream. I nodded, and as she shot down towards Earth, I realized with a start that Percy had just witnessed and heard all my thoughts!

"Well, Perseus Jackson, I must admire you for your ability to see, hear, and think what I'm thinking. But now you must go, for that Zoe girl is going to give you advice, but know this: I will recruit you and make you my successor, even if I have to wait several more millennia. Even though your life is not mine to decide, its the Fates, but I will be waiting for you. Now, off you go.

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