Chapter 7

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Triton stared at Percy in pure shock, utterly confused. "W-w-what…h-how?" He stuttered. Percy smirked. He raised a hand and gave a flick of his wrist. Instantly, all of the gods stepped out of the circle, making a phalanx formation with Percy at the point, although there was a respectable amount of distance between Percy and the others, due to the fact that Percy was on fire. And the heat emanating from him palpable, far hotter than any normal mortal fire.

"Poseidon! Um, this isn't what you, um, uh…" Amphitrite trailed off.

"F-father, um, I-" Triton began but was forcefully cut off.

"Shut up! I am ashamed to have such a nasty son and wife. I should kill you and throw you into Tartarus!" Poseidon roared.

"You-you can't, I'm your son! Your blood!" Triton pleaded.

"Yes, dearie, you can't kill him-" Amphitrite began but Poseidon flicked his hand and she went flying, slamming into Hera's throne. She struggled up, looking at him in shock.

Poseidon gave her a cold look. "You are no longer my wife. And I think Hera would agree." He said in a icy tone.

Hera nodded. "I declare this marriage nulled and void, because of the outrageous actions Amphitrite has done to Poseidon."

There was a brief flash, and Amphitrite's crown disappeared. She whimpered. "Please, you can't kill Triton. You can't. It's not honourable, to kill your own son. " She whispered.

Poseidon glared at her. "Perhaps. Very well, I will not kill Triton." At this, Triton began bowing and groveling, saying "Thank you" over and over again.

"But that does not mean I will stop my only true son, Percy, from killing you, Triton." Poseidon finished.

Triton's jaw dropped. Then he recovered, and boasted. "You think I'm afraid of that weakling demigod? You disown me and take a weakling as a real son? I'll you show you what you lost, Father." He spat.

Percy stepped forward and drew Riptide, drawing the second one out of the first. "It will be my pleasure to fight you, Triton" Percy hissed, flames dripping from his twin swords as he crouched slightly, in a completely unorthodox fighting style.

Triton's eyes widened slightly, but he summoned a wall of water from within and hurled it at Percy. Percy merely raised an eyebrow and stared at the wall, stopping it in midair. Triton raised his hands and pushed, causing the water to inch towards Percy. Percy knew that in a contest of water control, Triton would win since he was a god, so Percy did the other. He raised both of his swords and pointed them at the wall, spewing flames so hot that the water instantly evaporated.

Triton was shocked while Percy smirked. "Seriously, Prince of the Sea, is that the best you can do?" Percy taunted.

Triton let out an angry growl. "I'll show you real power, scumbag!" He roared. Triton stretched out his hand and a ball of white light appeared. When the light dissipated, he held his trumpet. He put it to his lips.

"The same way your damn mother and stupid step-father died, boy" Triton sneered as he blew a powerful blast of force that sped towards Percy. Bad idea. The instant Triton mentioned his mother, the flames boiled around Percy as he charged straight at the ball of force. He did a somersault over the attack and landed right in front of Triton, cross cutting so fast that four deep gashes appeared on Triton's chest, ripping through the armour as if it were paper thanks to his sword's flames. Triton screamed in pain as he transformed his trumpet into a sword and raised it in an attempt to defend himself.

Holding both of his swords parallel to each other, Percy whipped himself into a 360, smashing both of his swords straight into Triton's sword with a scream of metal. Triton staggered, and attempted to go on the offensive, but was batted aside from the speed Percy was attacking. He retreated steadily, while Percy ruthlessly pounded him with punishing blows, sparks and golden blood flying as Riptide bit deep into armour and flesh. Percy began doing his best and most powerful stance. The 360. Both of his Riptide's flew around him at such speed that the flames on his sword created beautiful yet creepy trails in the air, surrounding the two gladiators in a angry green tornado.

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