Chapter 8

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I left lunch early to talk to my teacher. "Are you Mr. Goddard?" I walked into class and found a really hot guy sitting at a desk. "Nope." He pointed to the back where an older guy was sitting on the desk. "Oh you're (y/n). Yeah I'm Mr. Goddard and that's Mr. Grumke, my student teacher."

No joke this is my student teacher for math, let's just say he makes math a little bit less unbearable

" No joke this is my student teacher for math, let's just say he makes math a little bit less unbearable

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"You can go and sit over there." Mr. Goddard pointed to a seat in the back of the room. Finally, a seat in the back. Students started piling in. I fiddled with my thumbs until a girl came up to me and started asking me questions, "are you new?" "Yes." "What's your name?" "(Y/n)." "Cool, I'm savannah, where did you transfer from?" "I was an orphan." I'm tired of all these questions. She just nodded and sat down in front of me. Two guys sat down to the sides of me. Both were really cute but the one on my right talked to me first. "Are you new?" Oh god, not again. "Yes." I answer. "What's your name?" "(Y/n)." "I'm Eric. Welcome." He smiled at me. Eric had dark brown hair and a muscular body. People are so nice but it makes me sick. They started talking about exponents and the scientific notation. It was boring without know what's going on. Class ended quickly and it was on to physics. I walked into a class where everyone was wondering around no one was in a seat. There were cubbies on the side when I walked in. It's odd. There was no teacher that I could see so I just sat down at the closest seat to the door. On the other side of the room there were two girls pointing at me and talking. I just started fiddling with my thumbs. They came over and sat down. The chairs were designed to look like a table. There were four chairs with desks attached to them. "Hi. Are you new or just lost?" The blonde one asked. She had really good makeup on. "I'm new. This is Mr. Schanfarber's room, right?" They both smiled at me. "Yeah. What's your name?" The other girl asked. She had darker and shorter hair. "(Y/n), and you guys?" "Riley." The blonde one said. "Hannah," the other replied. The teacher walked in and didn't notice me until he looked around. He motioned me to come over to me. I sat down to where I could see where I was just sitting. "Are you (y/n)?" Mr. Schanfarber asked. "Yeah." I watched a guy sit down at the table where I was. "Welcome. We're working on force right now. Feel free to jump in and start learning. Don't be afraid to ask questions." He finished and motioned for me to sit down. I sat back down where I was and was greeted by the guy. "Hi, I'm Jesse." He had dirty blonde hair and was wearing camo. "(Y/n)." I talked to Riley and Hannah for the rest of the hour. Occasionally Jesse would jump in. The hour went by quickly and I was greeted by Michael when I walked out the front doors. We walked back to his work. It really wasn't too far away from the school. Is this really what I was going to do everyday?

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