Chapter 10

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        Day 3 came and passed, then day 4, and it was finally the day 5. I had gotten letters from the mysterious person who signed with the smile. I wanted to meet this person. They were so nice, when ever I was mad at anyone they would kill the person. They said that they would kill my therapist but not till about a month after being set free because they didn't want me to be a suspect to his murder. Amellia would visit every now and then but she wouldn't stay too long.

The same old annoying therapist came in. He had a slight smile on today. He sat down in his normal spot and spoke to me in a calm voice.

"This will be our last time speaking, because the hospital and I have decided that you are ready to go back home." I nodded to show him that I understood.

"Your mom will be here around 1:00 so do be ready." I smiled, I wasn't going to have to stay in this place full of psychopaths and white.

"What time is it right now, I don't have any way to know." He peered down at his wrist watch.


"Thank you."

"Now I have to go and sign some paperwork, so you can leave." I nodded again. He then left.

I couldn't believe it! I was going to be free. I wouldn't have to see my dad ever again because he was dead, Amelia is alive, new friend who I hopped to meet when I was free, EVERYTHING WAS FINALLY GOING MY WAY! I was in an amazing mood and nothing could spoil it.

The time past soon and it was 1:00 before I knew it. The therapist came in to escort me to my mom.

"Follow me." He lead me down a white hall way filled with different doors with numbers and letters. Once we followed the hall long enough there was a big white lobby with many benches and a receptionist desk at the front. In one of the white benches sat my mom. She was signing some paperwork, and there was a smile on her face. She looked up and saw me standing there and she ran up and gave me a hug. I hugged her back thinking that human contact was very weird. I hugged her back any ways to make her happy.

"I've missed you SO much, you have no idea. I'm glad you're okay now."
"Thank you? I've missed you too?" Speaking to people other than the therapist was odd.

"As soon as I finish this paperwork we can go home, and we're going to have a celebratory dinner, for your arrival." I could understand this, I was going to be going home soon!
"Okay, I can't wait."

She finished her paperwork soon, and I found myself in her car on the long ride home fast. I was curious as to if this smile person was telling the truth or not so I decided to ask about the man I called my dad.

"So how's dad? why couldn't he pick me up? Am I not important enough?

"Your fathers- your father's de-dead." I couldn't stop the smile that appeared across my face.

"Oh, what a shame." There was a hint of sarcasm but I don't think she heard it, and if she did, she didn't comment.

"Yes, quite. We haven't hosted a funeral yet, I've started planning though."


We not talking for a while, while I hummed a tune, which I'd never heard before.

I'm not alone after all (Bloody painter {Helen Otis} x OC)Where stories live. Discover now