Two Months Sober, Three Month of Agony

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"To believe someone is sober is something, but to be living sober is like going through hell twice and still burning alive getting out. Being two months sober is a final day dream for me, but the urges still arise within the night, because getting high was my cope when my clear nights during to dark days. I didn't know what else to do except get high and see some sunlight within my days, but now with being sober, I find the sunlight in little things. But even those little things don't help me anymore, I keep wishing I could just feel so weightless again, but I know I can't.
Two months sober, and yet these past three months have been hell. All of my emotions that I used to hide behind with getting high, are now alive and very much present, and it feels like I'm drowning again most days. Some days I don't need anything to feel alive, but even so, I don't feel like it lasts long. I never thought I'd see myself within a self-habitual rehab, but here I am, twiddling my thumbs and smoking cigarettes until my lungs give out or I throw up from the nicotine. One part disaster, Three parts broken, it's all I am and I know I'm trying to fix who I am, but I know it won't change. No matter how long I stay sober, no matter how long I fake being okay and happy, I will always fall back down; I will always fall apart; I will always be broken inside. I never know what tragedy is next around the corner, but there's always one thing on my mind, 'Without my cope, getting high, when will it ever be okay again?'."

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