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I was falling through the air in a purple jump suit and I couldn't have been more terrified. I could hear Jim and Sulu in my earpiece calling out the distance to the target. At 2,000 meters I heard the words 'pull your chute' and I did not hesitate. My descent was slowed as my parachute shot out of my back and caught the Vulcan air. I used the handles to guide myself towards the platform. Sulu and Jim were yelling at Olson to pull his chute, but the man refused. Unfortunately, his plan did not work in his favor and he slammed into the platform deck and tumbled over the side, into the fiery drill. I gasped and lost concentration for a minute. In that minute I tumbled to the deck. Quickly hitting the button on my chest to retract my parachute, I continued to roll towards the edge of the platform. I was able to grab onto a piece of the platform that jutted out and I hung on with all my strength. Once I was sure that I would be okay, I jumped to my feet and tore off my helmet. I looked to my left to see Jim staggering to his feet. A hatch opened from my left and I saw four Romulans jumping onto the platform. One of them had a very large gun that he used to shoot holes in Sulu's parachute. I ran as fast as I could over to the enemies and kicked down the one with the gun. The other three Romulans advanced on me. I punched the nearest one, engaging in a fight with him. Jim had run over and we stood side by side, fighting off the Romulans. I was able to take down one, but a second caught my jaw with his fist and I stumbled backwards. I lost my footing and fell over, rolling close to the edge of the platform. I pulled myself up and watched as Sulu joined the fray, fighting the Romulans with Jim. I stumbled my way back over to them, still feeling the effects of getting hit in the face. As I approached I noticed the hatch open again and a fourth Romulan jumping up onto the platform. I shook my head and picked up my pace, trying to reach the enemy before he could close in on Jim and Sulu. The Romulan held his gun up to Sulu's back and got ready to pull the trigger. I pushed myself the last few feet and threw my leg up, kicking the Romulan's arm up so that his gun was pointed towards the sky. A round of bullets went off above our heads, causing Sulu and Jim to turn around. I elbowed the Romulan in the stomach and twisted his arm until the gun clattered to the platform. As he was doubled over, I brought my elbow down on his head which caused him to fall on his stomach. He rolled around a few times before he jumped back to his feet and lunged at me. I was able to grab his arms and with a clean kick to his stomach, I sent him flying across the platform. He rolled over the edge and plummeted to the planet's surface. I let out a breath and turned to the other two. Sulu nodded at me, "Thanks for that." Then he turned to Jim, "Olson had the charges."

Jim nodded and looked around, "I know."

"What do we do now?" Jim continued his visual search of the platform before his eyes landed on the discarded Romulan guns. He picked one up and smirked at us.

"This." And then he fired the gun at the main center of the drill. Sulu and I looked at each other before we each grabbed a gun and started firing along with Jim. It didn't take long for the drill to power down and I immediately dropped the gun and looked back to the other two.

"So that's it then?" Jim nodded at me and then something was falling from the sky, straight towards the hole that had been drilled into Vulcan's surface. The three of us hurried to the platform's edge to watch the object connect with the planet. Jim called back to the Enterprise over the comms about the object. Just as Jim asked the Enterprise to beam us up, the platform shook. I shakily regained my balance, but Sulu wasn't as lucky as he fell over the edge of the platform. Without even thinking about it, I leapt from the platform, vaguely aware of Jim following me. Now the three of us were falling to the planet's surface. Since I was lighter than him, Jim passed me and reached Sulu before I could. He grabbed onto him and I saw his parachute deploy and catch the wind. Then I saw it detach and fly away.

"Kirk to Enterprise! We're falling without a chute! Beam us up!" I pulled my arms in to my sides tighter, trying desperately to reach Jim and Sulu. Jim's voice was in my ear, "Athena! Pull your chute!"

I shook my head, "I can reach you! Just hold on."

"No! Pull your chute!"

"I can reach you!" I pushed myself as hard as I could to reach the two men.

"Enterprise, where are you?" I heard Chekov's voice in my ear, but I brushed it off and reached my arm out. My fingertips brushed Jim's back before he slipped further from me. "Athena! Pull your chute!" His attention was back on Chekov, "Now! Now! Now!" I tensed my body as much as I could and cut through the air straight towards Jim. Holding my arm out, I was able to grab the back of his jump suit at the same time that our bodies began to dematerialize. With a loud thud, all three of us landed on the transporter pad on the Enterprise. Jim groaned and I quickly rolled off of his back.

"I'm sorry."

He looked over at me, "You should have pulled your chute." He shook his head, "You really need to learn to listen."

I scoffed, "You're not the captain. And in case you didn't notice, we're fine."

"Yeah, but still. You could have died, Athena."

I shook my head, "You could have too. I was trying to save you." I glared at him and he sighed.

"I'm sorry, it's just-"

Spock came rushing into the room and stepped onto the transporter, "Clear the pad. I'm beaming to the surface. We stared up at him, completely lost for a moment, or at least I was. Beaming to the surface of what? Vulcan? There is no Vulcan surface anymore. Has he lost his mind? Sulu helped me up as we moved out of Spock's way. Jim tried to talk some sense into him, but his words fell on deaf ears as Spock looked over at Chekov, "Energize." And then he was gone. I looked over at Jim and he stared back at me, confused.

"You should get to Sick Bay." I gestured to his head and walked off without waiting for an answer. I don't know what Jim's problem was, but I was doing the right thing by trying to catch him and Sulu. Shaking my head, I stepped into the lift. I needed to get back to my post.

[So sorry that this is late. I've been super busy with school work and my other stories and I'm trying to get back on track. Thanks for the votes and thanks to hollandsspiders for commenting. Hope you all enjoy this chapter.]

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