Chapter 1

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Port Ayers was the bustling and crowded main city on Dyael, a small jewel of an island off the coast of the Earth Tribe's territory. The island had once belonged to Kouka Kingdom, but during rule of King Il, they had declared their independence and started self-rule. Since King Il was so opposed to violence, it had simply been easier for him to allow them to govern themselves instead of sending ships and troops to bring the island back under the control of the crown.

Yona had heard of the island, but until recently it had only been vague mentions with very few concrete details. Her father hadn't cared about the island, so she had written it off as an unimportant topic back when she was at the castle. Now, however, standing in the marketplace of Port Ayers, she wished she had paid more attention to things that had been said about the island.

"Stay close," Hak said for perhaps the dozenth time since they had disembarked from the ship that had carried them to the port. He kept looking around, his dark blue eyes seeking out threats and danger.

Yona didn't have to be told to not go off on her own. The port had an oppressive feeling to it underneath its façade of a bright and happy ocean town. Half of the people seemed to be wearing chains and marks on their faces while others were dressed in extremely rich clothes. There were also travelers and wayfarers from other countries, and people were speaking in languages that Yona had never heard before.

Their group had split up when they had reached the market, though they had plans to meet back up at a suggestive statue of a mermaid in about an hour. Yoon, Yona, Jae-ha and Hak were looking for food and medicine while Shin-Ah, Kija, and Zeno hunted for a cheap inn where the group could sleep for the night.

"I think we should just get some supplies for the night and come back in the morning," Yoon suggested, "It's getting late, and I don't like the look of this place."

"I think it looks fine," Jae-Ha said, "It's simply the underlying feeling that disagrees with me."

So Jae-Ha had noticed it too. They probably all had. It was like a film on Yona's skin, a feeling that there was something seriously wrong with the port city. She had only been there for a few hours, and she already knew that she had a lot of work to do.

They walked past a platform and Yona stopped, drawn to the suffering on the faces of the people who were huddled up on the stage. Fire burned in her eyes as a man in bright purple clothes and a furred coat grabbed one of them, a young woman, and forced her forward by her long blond hair. "Look here, she's a nice young one. Heard from a good source that she was a cook back in Kouka, sure she'd be good in the kitchen here too." He grabbed her face and forced her to look up, his fingers squeezing her cheeks. "Got good teeth in her mouth. Pretty enough. Who wants to start the bidding?"

Yona jerked forward, her hand going to the blade beneath her cloak, but Hak reached out and stopped her. His expression was dark as he watched the bidding for the poor girl on stage begin. Beside Yona, Yoon had two hands wrapped around Jae-Ha's arm, in case he decided to go rescue the young woman. Judging by the tension emanating from him, that was exactly his plan.

"Let go, Yoon," Jae-Ha said, his smile taking a dangerous turn.

"No," Yoon said quietly, "If you try to start trouble now, we won't be able to help everyone later. We'll get arrested. We have to come up with a plan instead of rushing into this. You don't rush anyways, so calm down."

"Same for you, princess," Hak said, gently squeezing Yona's arm.

"But that girl..." Yona felt torn. She wanted to rescue her now instead of letting her and the others be dragged off into slavery.

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