Forgive Or Forget?

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Emma's P.O.V

My dad held his nose and I seen blood start coming down.

"i deserved that" he says

i nod

"come in" says daddy and i hold my hand and allow him inside. Hey i love him but he deserved it.

He sits down on the couch and i grab some tissues and give them to him.

"i'm sorry dad but you did deserve that" i say

He chuckles

"i did angel i'm not gonna lie."

some blood drips onto my sleeve and i go upstairs to change and put on a big shirt. I pause....he will see my scars. Oh well if he truly loves me he will not judge me. I walk down and he looks at my arms and i see tears form. I sit next to him and he points to my arms

"oh angel why?" he asks

"first tell me what happened. why did she force you out then i'll tell you why i did this" i say and he nods

Daddy get's close because he wants to know as well. He takes a deep breath and begins

"When you were about 5 me and your mother got into a huge argument and she said she was cheating on me. She said she hated my guts. I told her how it was bullshit but if she was gonna kick me out I was gonna take you with me. She said no and threatened me with a knife. I packed my stuff and held you  one last time as I was leaving. You were grabbing my arm and crying begging me to come back saying how mommy didn't mean it. It broke my heart to see you like that. Your mom threatened that if I ever came near you or got in contact with you that she would kill you and I knew she meant it. So I stayed away. I tried to track you down once I knew you turned 18 but I couldn't. I just hoped that you would look through the book, then I got that call and I was confused because hardly anyone has this phone number so I tracked it down and seen you. I couldn't believe how much you have grown. So I followed you here as creepy as that sounds. Nice right hook by the way" he said

I didn't know what to do besides cry and hug him. All this time he did what he did to protect me. He hugged me back and we both cried.

"now tell me why you have those darling" he says pointing to my scars

"after you left mom started drinking and using drugs then blamed me for why you died and she started beating me. She said I was worthless and that no one would love me and I believed her. From 6 years old till 17 she hit me and broke a lot of bones. I resorted to self harm. I found a boyfriend but he raped me and beat me. Not to mention how much I got bullied and beaten up at school. I tried to kill myself many times. One time she caught me and said to cut down not across. Then one night I freaked out on her because she hit me bad and said it was my fault why you left and I told her it was her fault and she kicked me out so I went and stayed with Olivia and yes we are still friends. So then her boyfriend introduced me to Jackson and now we are dating. Don't worry dad he treats me like the angel you say I am. He tries to make me eat and stop self harming and  tries to bring up my self esteem." I say smiling

He shakes daddy's hand and thanks him.

"anytime sir. Your daughter is a queen and I will treat her like one because that's what she deserves" he says

"damn right. Honey I am SO sorry about your mom. Stupid bitch hitting my angel! How dare she. I'm just thankful that you are okay now"

I smile

"now you better treat her perfect or else I will shoot you right in the dick. I will shoot it OFF. Now that i'm here I will do everything I can do to protect her." he says

"dad!!" I yell

"sorry but not really" says my dad

"Sir I promise I would never hurt your daughter. I have been hurt myself pretty bad and I would never wish that pain upon her especially after everything she has been through. I will show her what it feels like to have a actual relationship and what it feels like to have someone actually love her and not plan to hurt her. That I promise" he says

I feel my eyes water up and I run and hug him.

"i love you daddy!!" I say

my eyes go big and no does daddy's. Then u hear my father talk 

"what did you just call him??" he asks seriously

"i c-called him d-daddy" I say scared

"why?" he says through gritted teeth


I flinch and shake badly and cower into daddys chest. I begin to cry and hide my face. I look and see my dad's face soften and he says sorry.

"i'll explain sir" says daddy


                                                                 1 AWKAWARD EXPLAINING LATER

"it will take some time getting used to but if that is what makes you guys happy then that is all that matters to me" says my dad

"it does make me happy and he treats me right and never hurt me" I say

I hug my dad again and take in his scent. Cigarette smoke and vanilla. I smile and think back to all the good memories we had. Like when he would push me on the swings or help with my cuts and bruises I would have. He was the best. He still is.

"angel I only have 1 more question" he says

I look at him

"do you forgive me??" he asks his eyes full of hope

Should I?? I mean yeah he left me with a horrible women but he didn't want to. He seems genually sorry. I nod and he smiles big revealing his fangs that matched mine. I always found it cool how I had natural fangs. No I didn't crave blood and shit but I always thought it was cool.  He hugged me and started to leave but stopped as he was about to leave. He turned back to me and smiled

"love you angel" he said

"i love you to dad" I said smiling like a fool

He left and daddy carried me up to our bedroom and layed me down. He took off my clothes and put a big shirt on me. He kissed the top of my head.

"i'm so proud of you angel" he said

"thank you daddy" I giggled

"goodnight princess, I'll wake you up tomorrow and we will paint and unpack and buy you some stuff alright??" he says

"but nooooo I don't wike you spending money on me daddy" I wined

"princess" he said in his warning daddy voice

I squealed and he smiled

"goodnight buttercup"

"goodnight daddy" I said and drifted off into a peaceful sleep  

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