Dark Brown Eyes.

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- Bailey POV -

Since yesterday was better than expected, I am in a way better mood this morning when it comes to going to school. I was supposed to take the school bus today but since I was running late this morning my mom is giving me a ride to school right now. I should finally start taking driving lessons so I would be able to drive to school by myself but on the other hand I am not quite sure if the traffic is ready for a Bailey Sok.

'Thank you mom for driving me to school' I say as we arrive in front of the school. 'You're welcome sweetie, have a nice day.' she says while smiling at me. 'You too, bye mom!' I say as I hop off the car.

My first period is history a subject I actually enjoy. I've always been interested in former ages and how the history of a country or city has affected it's development until now. The classroom for history is the same as the one for maths yesterday which makes it easy for me to find it this time.

When I enter the room the first thing I see is a very happy Tati who waves at me enthusiastically. I chuckle at her excitement and wave back. Tati is sitting next to her friend from maths which leaves me with the desk behind them again.

My eyes are slowly wandering to the desk behind them. But this time one of the chairs is already taken. A boy with black hair is looking out of the window which makes it hard for me to see his face properly. I give Tati a confused look while pointing at the boy unobtrusively. Tati shrugs her shoulders and gives me a look which should probably tell me to finally go and take my seat. I make my way to the desk taking the seat next to him.

'Hi, I'm Bailey hope you don't mind me taking this seat' I say shyly while not taking my gaze off of the desk in front of me. No answer. I slowly lift my head up to look at him. His head was still turned towards the window next to him, his eyes probably attached to something outside. 'Hi, I'm Bailey' I try again this time a little bit louder and less shy. But again no answer. I give up and turn my face to the whiteboard where our history teacher is already writing down his name and the topic of todays lesson.

Fourty minutes of class have passed already and the boy next to me is still staring out of the window. His chest is slightly moving up and down from his calm breathes. I lean myself a little bit forward to catch a glimpse of his face. He is asian that's for sure. He looks a little bit pale though, his black hair makes the contrast even more noticeable. His full lips are quiet red. It seems like he bit on them recently. I try to take a closer look and see little bruises on his lip lines.

'Homework Ladies and Gentlemen! Please continue reading chapter five and summarise the core ideas of the author.' the teacher says loudly which tears me out of my thoughts. I reach for a pencil to quickly write down the pages I still have to read since I've been a little bit preoccupied with examining the face of the boy next to me. The bell rings and I collect my stuff. Tati turns around telling me to meet her in front of our lockers. 'I quickly have to use the bathroom so see you in a minute' she says before rapidly leaving the classroom. I pack up my pencil case and throw on my jacket. As I am about to leave a deep voice makes me stop.

'Don't forget your pencil.' I turn around to see the asian boy facing me and holding out my pencil towards me. This is the first time I can properly see his face.

First thing I notice are his dark brown eyes which are staring into mine. Looking into his eyes, I suddenly feel warmth spreading throughout my body and I get the feeling of security. I let me eyes wander further over his face noticing a little light mole next to his nose. His features are smooth altough his jawline could probably cut rocks.

I reach out my hand to grab my pencil. 'Thank you' I say quitely. I turn around and walk towards the door when I hear a very quiet 'No problem, Bailey'. Did he just say my name? Wait! So he did hear me? My body signals me to turn around to face him again but after thinking about it for a quick second I make my way out of the room.

Tati is already waiting for me in front of the lockers. 'Girl, what took you so long?' she asks me. 'I forgot my pencil.' I say. 'Okay, well let's hurry up I wanna grab a little snack before the next class starts, I'm starving.' she whines. I nod my head and adjust my pace to hers so she won't be mad that we won't make it in time. 'Tati, can I ask you question?' I say as we queue to pay for Tati's snack. 'Of course Bailey, never hesitate to ask me anything anytime.' Tati says with a sweet smile.This girl is literally the nicest human being I've ever met.

'Okay, well...this guy who was sitting next to me-' 'You mean Sean?' she interrupts me before I can finish my question. 'Yeah...Sean...I guess...what is he like?' I ask her hesitantly. 'Sean has quiet some reputation, Bailey.' she says with a serious look on her face. 'I mean he is a nice boy but he just doesn't know his limits. Sean is actually in his senior year but he failed a few courses last year. After plenty of conversations between his parents and the principal and probably some generous donations for the school, Sean is allowed to repeat the courses he failed although he is completing the senior courses at the same time. His last year essentially consisted of partying, drinking and sleeping around. For Sean and his friends the main priority is to 'have fun' not being a diligent student.' she pauses for a few seconds.

'I dont know..just be careful, Bailey.' Tati says with a concerned look. 'Oh no! No no...I think you got something wrong I am not interested in him, if that's what you are thinking. I mean I don't even know him. I was just curious what he's like. I say quickly, a little bit embarassed. 'No need to feel embarassed.' Tati says while laughing. 'Even if you were interested in Sean, which you are clearly not, I must admit he is pretty hot.' she says with a little smirk on her face.

Yeah..I mean I guess he is.



Author's Note:

Hey beautiful people!

I hope you enjoyed the first three chapters of my book.

I am completely new to this, so let me know what you think in the comments and vote for my book if you enjoyed it so far. I appreciate every kind of feedback.

Hope you have an awesome day!


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