Casual Hangout.

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- Kenneth POV -

A smile forms on my lips when I see Bailey exiting the school building, making her way towards me. Normally I am not the guy to meet up with girls after school to casually hang out with them, but when it comes to Bailey it's different. There's something about her that kept my mind drifting to her since I've met her on Friday.

'Sorry, that I am late; our chemistry teacher just wouldn't let us go. As if someone would be interested in molecular bonds.' Bailey says quickly, a little bit out of breath, but with a cute smile on her face. 'Oh no problem, I am glad that you were able to escape though.' I smile. 'I thought we would go to the park, taking a little stroll around and just talk?!' I suggest hesitantly, unsure if she likes the idea. 'Sounds perfect, a walk is exactly what I need, after being stuck in this school for 7 hours.' Bailey replies, still having that cute smile on her face. 'Let's go then, my car is right there.' I say while pointing towards my car in the back of the parking lot.

The car ride is filled with Bailey's complaints about her chemistry teacher, who in her opinion is a complete idiot. I try to listen as well as I can although her fast talking is making it hard for me to follow her while I am driving. A few seconds later I lose the thread entirely but I try to outplay it. I can feel a smile tugging on my lips when I take a glance at her and see her gesturing wildly with her arms.


The park is pretty crowded today, it's a nice day, a lot of parents seem to have come out with their children after work to relish the last sunrays of the day.

'So tell me about yourself, Kenneth San Jose.' Bailey suddenly says. 'There is not that much to say about me. I have been living in this neighborhood my whole life. I met Sean, Gabe and Will, when we were in kindergarten and since then we've been inseparable. I have an older brother, his name is Matthew, but he is not living with us anymore. That's basically it; I am not that interesting of a person, Bailey.' I say chuckling. 'What about you though, why did you move here?' I ask her.

'My parents spontaneously decided that it would be a great idea to move to a different state. I didn't want to move, but my sisters got accepted into college and my Dad found a better job over here so I guess I was overruled in the end. If I am honest, I wanted to hate this place so much, because I definitely miss my home, but after being here for a couple of days now I have to admit it's not really easy to hate it.' Bailey sighs while a little smile appears on her lips.

The both of us reach the artificial pond that has been built in the middle of the park. I spy a bench that is empty and ask Bailey if she wants to sit down. 'Do you wanna take a seat over there?' 'Sure.' Bailey replies.


- Bailey POV -

' you wanna tell me why you had to leave so quickly on Friday?' Kenneth asks. I really hoped he would've forgotten about this whole situation. I take a deep breath before telling him my little story. I obviously changed some little information with regard to the puking, since it would not be appropriate to tell him everything in detail.

'Again, I am really sorry for just leaving you, but I was feeling really sick all of a sudden.' I explain. 'It's okay, I am glad that you are feeling better now.' Kenneth returns. 'I guess I am just not used to girls leaving me hanging like that, normally it's the other way round.' he continues. 'Cocky much?' I reply with a bit of indignation slipping through my voice. 'Sorry I didn't mean it to come out that way.' Kenneth apologizes. 'But it's simply the truth.' he says before we both break out in laughter a couple of seconds later.

'To be honest, Bailey, I have never casually hung out with a girl before.' Kenneth states after the both of us got a hold on us again. For a few seconds I am not sure what to respond, I suddenly feel intimidated by his brown eyes staring into mine. It's the first time I realize how softly his features are painted. His lips are full and tinted in a light pink. His eyes have a hazelnut brown color, while his eyelashes are tinted in a deep black.

'Why did you ask me to hang out with you, Ken?' I ask quietly. I didn't mean for these words to come out of my mouth but once again my subconscious seems to have won against my mind. Kenneth opens his mouth to say something but the words won't come out. I can feel my face heating up and the feeling of embarrassment is rushing through my body leaving an uncomfortable tingling on my skin. I'm quickly averting my gaze from Kenneth to look towards the pond in front of us.

The sun is still shining brightly and the water is glistening from the reflection. The sounds of birds and children are fulfilling my ears, when I can suddenly feel a warm contact on my left hand. A bring my gaze back to Kenneth, who is holding my hand, to see his eyes looking deeply into mine.

'I don't know why I wanted to hang out with you, Bailey.' Kenneth starts keeping his eyes locked onto mine. 'Since I met you on Friday my mind kept drifting to you and I don't know why. I guess I was just so surprised by your rapid dispatch on Friday, that I wanted to know more about the girl that left Kenneth San Jose just standing in his own hallway.' he finishes while a cocky smile forms on his lips.

I withdraw my hand out of his grip. 'Your confidence is enviable.' I state when a slight smile pulls on my lips. I felt some nervousness coming back though, his words made me real shy. To compensate it I fumble with the buttons on my cardigan. 'Look Bailey, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable.' he starts but I interrupt him immediately. 'You didn't! I am just surprised, I guess.' I say shyly.

I suddenly feel a vibration in my right pocket, but it takes me to long to get my phone out of it, so I can only catch a glimpse of Kylie's picture fading on my screen. 1 missed call and 2 messages.

Today, 9:20pm        Kylie Sok:
Where are you?

Today, 9:30pm        Kylie Sok:
You should've been at home 30 minutes ago. Mom & Dad are coming home soon and will not be amused by you being out late although you have school tmrw. Hurry up, lil bee.

Damn it!

'Is everything ok?' Kenneth asks concerned. I must have said it out loud. 'I really need to go home now Kenneth, I promised my parents that I won't be out late since we have school tomorrow.' I say quickly. 'Oh okay, well let me drive you then.' Kenneth says before getting up on his feet, taking my hand in his and leading me back to his car.


'Thank you so much for the nice afternoon or evening, Kenneth, and also for driving me home so quickly, I really appreaciate it.' I say while unbuckling my seatbealt. 'It's been my pleasure.' Kenneth simply replies which causes me to blush a little. How does he do that? How can he make simply words sound so nice?

'Well, see you tomorrow then.' I say while opening the passenger door. 'Bailey, wait.' Kenneth says so quietly that I almost didn't hear it. I turn my head around to face him again. 'I really enjoyed spending time with you today and I would love to hang out with you again soon.' he nearly whispers.

There is a short moment of silence between us before he leans his body over in my direction. His eyes are looking deeply into mine when his hand touches my cheek. His soft lips leave a warm, tingling feeling on my left cheek and I can feel my face heating up. Little tingles are developing inside my stomach, which are causing a warmth to spread through my entire body. 'Su-sure I would lo-love to.' I stutter when he pulls back. 'Okay, see you tomorrow then.' Kenneth replies. 'See you.' I respond briefly before exiting the car and making my way towards my front door.

When I hear Kenneth's car disappear I turn around and lean my back against the wall next to the front door. What just happened?


So sorry for the long wait, but here is the next chapter! It's the first chapter where I actually am not satisfied with the beginning but I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

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Have an awesome day!


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