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Why does Taehyung know Jungkoook?

"It was Jungkook, isn't it?"

I was silent.

I can literally feel Jungkook's presence beside me, whispering to my ear to deny it.

"Just make up some reasons. That hyung has some grudge held against me."

I literally heard Jungkook's dangerously evil voice whispered in my ear.

"If you tell him, I'll kill you today.. Slowly and painfully.."

I tried to open my mouth, but no words came out after a few seconds.

"Y-Y...N-No..."I stuttered,"W-Who's Jungkook?"

Taehyung's glare was still there.

"Taehyung, just stop it. Let's just accept the fact that Jimin isn't able to continue to study here any more further... Accept the fact that he'll leave us early..I know he's done a lot to us, without him, all of us will be dead meat yesterday, but...If it's his time, let him be."Hoseok said.

When Hoseok said that, I felt scared.

I realized that I'll die tomorrow. That realization hit me like a truck.

I'll die, and my parents will not even remember me.

Technically speaking, they are the ones who killed me in the first place, by sending me to this hellschool.

Who even told them about this place?

+ + +

On the next day, Taehyung and I were still not in good terms.

Everyone around me just gave me pitiful looks, and I hated it.

I don't want to be pitied on.

Something inside me told myself that I should do something. That I should stand up for what I think is right, and that it is wrong to salvage students who violated a petty school rule savagely.

As I entered the classroom, all of my classmates were staring at me, and again, giving me that pitiful look.

I clenched my teeth, and tightened my grip on the strap of my backpack.

I really want to cut a bitch right now.

I sat on my chair, which is beside Taehyung's, and he was obviously avoiding me.

I sighed, and took out a book and tried to entertain myself on reading as we waited for our teacher to arrive.

At lunch, I was sitting beside Jungha while Taehyung sat a few meters away from me. 

It is pretty obvious that Jungha tried her best not to mention the deadly mark on my neck....

...but she failed miserably.

"How do you feel, Jimin?"Jungha asked, concerned, “I mean.. How do you feel that you got marked?”

"Amazing.... Wonderful, rather. "I said sarcastically while giving her the fakest smile I can ever do.

"Seriously, Jungha. How would you feel if someone marked something really embarrasing and visible your neck and everyone are staring at it every freaking time, like a hickey? Actually it would be better if it's a hickey rather than an embarrasing, painful red lump. I never expected that I'll die a virgin."I said, which made Jungha laugh silently,

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