.t w e n t y - t h r e e.

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I don't know, but Yoongi just freaking saved my life.

Yoongi was sitting on the principal's shoulders, hitting the principal's face with his metallic hand.

Yoongi placed the principal's head inside his backpack, not letting the principal see anything, and he's just simply annoying the hell out of the principal.

"Jimin hurry the fuck up!"Yoongi said,"We don't have much time here!!"

The principal grunted, trying take Yoongi and the bag off his head, "You brat! What are yo-" "AH, SHUT THE FUCK UP."Yoongi interrupted him,"PARK JIMIN  HURRY YOUR ASS UP!"

I got up from the ground, and summoned a knife. I ran towards the principal's back, but he was turning around, trying to get Yoongi off him. But I was just following his back.

When the principal managed to throw Yoongi away, I immediately jumped on the back of the principal, removed Yoongi's backpack on his head, and without any hesitations or whatsoever, slit down the principal's nape.

Blood sprayed on my face.

The principal continued to move, trying to get me off him.

So I stabbed the back of his neck a lot of times, blood won't stop gushing out and spraying on my face and tinting my white clothes.

I got a handful of the principal's hair, and then I used it as a support as I sawed his neck using the knife that I was holding.

The principal fell on his knees, and then he collapsed on the ground.

I cut off the principal's head, and I'm still holding it.

Maybe he's still alive, so I summoned a huge hammer, and smashed his body into a bloody pulp a lot of times while screaming because I was so frustrated that I got to study in this hellpit that made all of my family members and all those that I know  forget everything  about me, and basically making every student that studied in this school's life a living hell.

The principal's body is nearly unidentified, and my hands were very numb and sore from all the strength I used, but I still continued on smashing him, as his blood splattered everywhere in the room, his insides were smashed like a mashed potato, and I know that this was a nonsense statement and description of something very brutal, but I'm feeling very psychotic at the moment because I was literally very happy that I'm finally going to get out of this hell, that I was literally laughing and screaming like a maniac while murdering the motherfucking principal who murders millions of people.

"Hey... Hey Jimin... I think you should stop.... That's enough...."Yoongi pulled me away from the principal.

I stopped trashing around, and the hammer disappeared.

I was covered in blood.

Namjoon and Seokjin were finally awake, and they were just staring at me, their mouths hung open.

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